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Bored Potato
Community Member
Behold. For I am a potato. A Chinese one, too.
Originally @Potato Panda
Mysterious_Bar_1069 reply
A drunken "free the llama" rescue mission on Nantucket. We were so drunk we never found the llama.
oikorapunk reply
Going to an all-night supermarket in order to purchase cake mix, icing, sprinkles, and the fixings for some full fat, very unhealthy hot chocolate because one of our mutual friends got dumped.
boredinbiloxi reply
Got the text from a buddy that he needed help at his house and it was urgent. Thought maybe they had a flood from a burst pipe or something like that. Nope.
Turns out his wife fell off the sobriety wagon hard. They had a huge fight. Cops and EMS was called. She was transported to a hospital for a mental health evaluation. House is a wreck. Not like from the argument but you can tell it has been falling apart for weeks. Helped wake their two kids to get them ready to go stay at a family member’s house several hours away. All while I’m making sure he’s not about to have an emotional breakdown as well.
Another friend came over to watch the kids until the family got there. During this time the hospital deemed the wife very unstable but they didn’t have the proper unit for her so she got transported to a facility, heavily sedated due to her being hostile and having suicidal ideation, a couple hours away. Drove my buddy there so he could take her personal items. We thought we would be there awhile but basically the facility said there was nothing we could do there and it would be best if he went home.
Drove back to his house. I figured it wasn’t a good idea to leave him alone in that state. He finally broke down. Told me everything that had been happening the past couple months. We started to clean up the house then passed out after the long night. I ended up taking the rest of the week off to help him out and make sure he was good mentally.
They’re long divorced now, he along with the kids are in a good place. Her not so much but it is what it is there. Check on your friends often.
Edit: Thanks for the love everyone. It’s heartbreaking seeing people say they don’t have a support system though. Best we can do is be that someone for anyone if needed.
RussianDeepstate reply
It was a buddy of mine at about 1am hitting me up about his neighbors dog. He had seen the dude beating on the dog previously but this particular night he had left him outside in about 10 degree weather without any shelter. I packed my s**t up, bolt cutter and a mask and we went and liberated that dog. He was possibly the greatest dog I’ve ever had the experience of living with, I miss that dude everyday. Dogs like him show appreciation and love like no other. The TLDR I stole a dog and he became my new best friend.
Mysterious_Bar_1069 reply
A drunken "free the llama" rescue mission on Nantucket. We were so drunk we never found the llama.
RussianDeepstate reply
It was a buddy of mine at about 1am hitting me up about his neighbors dog. He had seen the dude beating on the dog previously but this particular night he had left him outside in about 10 degree weather without any shelter. I packed my s**t up, bolt cutter and a mask and we went and liberated that dog. He was possibly the greatest dog I’ve ever had the experience of living with, I miss that dude everyday. Dogs like him show appreciation and love like no other. The TLDR I stole a dog and he became my new best friend.
boredinbiloxi reply
Got the text from a buddy that he needed help at his house and it was urgent. Thought maybe they had a flood from a burst pipe or something like that. Nope.
Turns out his wife fell off the sobriety wagon hard. They had a huge fight. Cops and EMS was called. She was transported to a hospital for a mental health evaluation. House is a wreck. Not like from the argument but you can tell it has been falling apart for weeks. Helped wake their two kids to get them ready to go stay at a family member’s house several hours away. All while I’m making sure he’s not about to have an emotional breakdown as well.
Another friend came over to watch the kids until the family got there. During this time the hospital deemed the wife very unstable but they didn’t have the proper unit for her so she got transported to a facility, heavily sedated due to her being hostile and having suicidal ideation, a couple hours away. Drove my buddy there so he could take her personal items. We thought we would be there awhile but basically the facility said there was nothing we could do there and it would be best if he went home.
Drove back to his house. I figured it wasn’t a good idea to leave him alone in that state. He finally broke down. Told me everything that had been happening the past couple months. We started to clean up the house then passed out after the long night. I ended up taking the rest of the week off to help him out and make sure he was good mentally.
They’re long divorced now, he along with the kids are in a good place. Her not so much but it is what it is there. Check on your friends often.
Edit: Thanks for the love everyone. It’s heartbreaking seeing people say they don’t have a support system though. Best we can do is be that someone for anyone if needed.
oikorapunk reply
Going to an all-night supermarket in order to purchase cake mix, icing, sprinkles, and the fixings for some full fat, very unhealthy hot chocolate because one of our mutual friends got dumped.