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madde weatherful
Community Member
3 posts
46 points
i was born in Germany in 1987 , i have 7 cats and 14 dogs.i have one child.
madde weatherful • upvoted 26 items 3 years ago
“What’s Wrong With Your Cat?” Online Group Has Owners Posting Pics Of Their Malfunctioning Cats And Here Are 50 Of The Funniest Ones
Hey Pandas, What's Your Near Death Experience?
I got a UTI that showed no symptoms, and it went on so long that it spread to my kidneys and I spent two weeks in a hospital with an IV in my elbow.Hey Pandas, What's Your Near Death Experience?
i was at swim class and my dumb brain said ¨HEY! yeah. take that real heavy thing. hold it. even though you are in water.¨"and so i DID. i started to sink in a twelve foot pool but even as a 7 year old i was a strong swimmer and got back up to surface, but scratched my knee. NO SWIM TEACHER i remember.Hey Pandas, What's Your Near Death Experience?
oh my gosh. there are wayyyyy too many. i've gotten hit by a truck while i was on my bike when i was 10 i fell off of a ledge into this driveway and nearly got pancaked (different time) i was messing with an x-acto knife and basically skinned my finger ( i was making an extra hole in a belt as a small child and i sneezed) i've nearly drowned multiple times got a giant marshmallow stuck in my throat and i bruised my trachea (windpipe) playing hockey, not a near death experience but it hurt quite a lotHey Pandas, What's Your Near Death Experience?
My near death experiences was trump was winning before the mail-in ballots were countedSpain Is Currently Witnessing Their Biggest Snowfall In Decades And This Is How The Unusual Sight Looks
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madde weatherful • started following 7 people 3 years ago
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madde weatherful • commented on 4 posts 3 years ago
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madde weatherful • submitted a new post 3 years ago
madde weatherful • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
madde weatherful • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
madde weatherful • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
madde weatherful • commented on 8 posts 3 years ago
23 Hyper-Realistic Artworks Of Cats That Are Hard To Believe Aren't Photographs By A Japanese Artist
madde weatherful • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
“What’s Wrong With Your Cat?” Online Group Has Owners Posting Pics Of Their Malfunctioning Cats And Here Are 50 Of The Funniest Ones
Curiosities, Product Design
This Online Group Is Where People Share Badass Stuff That They Didn't Know Even Existed (50 Pics)
Curiosities, Social Issues
People Share Examples Of Audacious Online Application Forms That Show How Shameless Capitalism Is Becoming
Hey Pandas, What's Your Near Death Experience?
oh my gosh. there are wayyyyy too many. i've gotten hit by a truck while i was on my bike when i was 10 i fell off of a ledge into this driveway and nearly got pancaked (different time) i was messing with an x-acto knife and basically skinned my finger ( i was making an extra hole in a belt as a small child and i sneezed) i've nearly drowned multiple times got a giant marshmallow stuck in my throat and i bruised my trachea (windpipe) playing hockey, not a near death experience but it hurt quite a lot madde weatherful • is following 9 people
madde weatherful • 17 followers