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Tiny bun
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
censorized reply
The Canadian-Denmark whiskey war was probably the most polite war ever. It involved a small island off the coast of Greenland. The Canadians claimed it by putting the Canadian flag and bottles of Canadian whiskey on the rock, and the Danes would replace it with schnapps and the Danish flag. Both sides reached an agreement to split the island in 2022. I'm guessing this is more well known to Canadians and Danes than some of the rest of us.
Cassereddit reply
During prohibition, grape concentrate bricks called Vine-Glo were sold.
On the packaging, it included a very specific warning: "After dissolving the brick in a gallon of water, do not place the liquid in a jug away in the cupboard for twenty days, because then it would turn into wine.".
redvariation reply
Humans developed agriculture around 12000 years ago. By storing grain, huge numbers of rodents flourished. Cats showed up to eat the rodents, and humans learned that if they took care of the cats, the cats would control the rodents. Therefore, it was the invention of agriculture that led to the domestication of the house cat.
censorized reply
The Canadian-Denmark whiskey war was probably the most polite war ever. It involved a small island off the coast of Greenland. The Canadians claimed it by putting the Canadian flag and bottles of Canadian whiskey on the rock, and the Danes would replace it with schnapps and the Danish flag. Both sides reached an agreement to split the island in 2022. I'm guessing this is more well known to Canadians and Danes than some of the rest of us.
redvariation reply
Humans developed agriculture around 12000 years ago. By storing grain, huge numbers of rodents flourished. Cats showed up to eat the rodents, and humans learned that if they took care of the cats, the cats would control the rodents. Therefore, it was the invention of agriculture that led to the domestication of the house cat.
Cassereddit reply
During prohibition, grape concentrate bricks called Vine-Glo were sold.
On the packaging, it included a very specific warning: "After dissolving the brick in a gallon of water, do not place the liquid in a jug away in the cupboard for twenty days, because then it would turn into wine.".
Illustrious-Bet-5091 reply
Not in “real life,” but while doing family history research, I found a woman in my family with the name Heterogenous Clementine. Nicknamed Hettie Clemmie.Coolnamesarehard reply
I've worked with a Justin Case, and an electrical engineer whose surname was Sparks.No-Test6158 reply
Escherichia - this could conceivably be a girl's name, but it's what the E. in E. Coli stands for. The couple that named their daughter this were biology teachers. She'd be about 16 now.ProgrammerWarm3495 reply
Felatia. She worked with my sister at a pizza place. I was dumbfounded when I read her nametag.