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Just Another Panda
Community Member
2 posts
1.7K points
I am groot!
Just Another Panda • upvoted 27 items 2 years ago
WannaSeeTheWorldBurn reply
Mine wasn't abroad. We were traveling from Kingman Arizona to Tucson Arizona. Car broke down and we were lucky enough to be able to get off the freeway and into a parking lot of a store in the middle of nowhere. The building was a run-down place with nowhere AZ painted on the side. It's the middle of the day at this point but in afraid. I tell my friend that this is like some house of 1000 corpses s**t. She's trying to get service on her phone and there's nothing. Then two creepy guys who look like they kidnap women and steal their skin come out from around the building. I swear I've never felt so cold. They came to the driver's side and asked what was up. We explain that the car had broken down and one guy asked to pop the hood. The other guy went into the building. He came back out with a toolbox and sealed snacks for us and the kids we had in the back seat. They fixed our car for free and sent us on our way. We couldn't thank them enough and we tipped them what we could. Several miles away the car takes a s**t again. We have service and are stuck on the side of the highway so we call my mom to come to get us. It's starting to get dark now and a big a*s truck pulls up behind us and two dudes get out. Same guys. They fixed it again and sent us on our way. We start driving and call mom to update her. We got home safely and never saw the guys again. That was seriously wild though and 2x I thought we were gonna die and 2x those guys taught me not to be a judgmental a*****e.Show All 27 Upvotes
Just Another Panda • commented on 13 posts 2 years ago
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Just Another Panda • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Just Another Panda • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
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