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dog lover
Community Member
2 posts
19 points
I love funny stuff
dog lover • commented on 4 posts 3 years ago
Show All 4 Comments
dog lover • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
dog lover • upvoted 4 items 3 years ago
What Do You Think About Covid
I have mixed feelings. I feel terrible for the people who suffered and died because of it (or because if the stress). A lot of people died without corona and I feel that it was because of the stress and isolation (my uncle worked really hard at the city hall and died of a heart attack) I lost a lot of faith in humanity because a lot of my close people (whom i considered nice) refused to be a bit uncomfortable to protect others. Like my inlaws refusing to wear masks near me despite my many health problems, including lung ones. For the other hand I enjoyed it a lot because I am ill and barely cant get out and "have a life". This "sabatical" year and a half has given me a lot of rest since nobody expected me to visit, study or work. I will miss that because now i need to admit to people that i cannot do certain things.What Do You Think About Covid
I have mixed feelings. I feel terrible for the people who suffered and died because of it (or because if the stress). A lot of people died without corona and I feel that it was because of the stress and isolation (my uncle worked really hard at the city hall and died of a heart attack) I lost a lot of faith in humanity because a lot of my close people (whom i considered nice) refused to be a bit uncomfortable to protect others. Like my inlaws refusing to wear masks near me despite my many health problems, including lung ones. For the other hand I enjoyed it a lot because I am ill and barely cant get out and "have a life". This "sabatical" year and a half has given me a lot of rest since nobody expected me to visit, study or work. I will miss that because now i need to admit to people that i cannot do certain things.Show All 4 Upvotes
dog lover • started following a person 3 years ago
dog lover • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
dog lover • upvoted an item 4 years ago
dog lover • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
dog lover • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
dog lover • commented on 4 posts 3 years ago
dog lover • upvoted 5 items 3 years ago
What Do You Think About Covid
I have mixed feelings. I feel terrible for the people who suffered and died because of it (or because if the stress). A lot of people died without corona and I feel that it was because of the stress and isolation (my uncle worked really hard at the city hall and died of a heart attack) I lost a lot of faith in humanity because a lot of my close people (whom i considered nice) refused to be a bit uncomfortable to protect others. Like my inlaws refusing to wear masks near me despite my many health problems, including lung ones. For the other hand I enjoyed it a lot because I am ill and barely cant get out and "have a life". This "sabatical" year and a half has given me a lot of rest since nobody expected me to visit, study or work. I will miss that because now i need to admit to people that i cannot do certain things. dog lover • is following a person
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