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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
SavvyScribbler • submitted 22 list additions 1 year ago
SavvyScribbler • upvoted 7 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, Write A Famous Opening Sentence And Let Others Guess The Name Of The Novel
This one is too easy: It was a pleasure to burn.Hey Pandas, Write A Famous Opening Sentence And Let Others Guess The Name Of The Novel
"Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood"Show All 7 Upvotes
SavvyScribbler • commented on 11 posts 1 year ago
Show All 11 Comments
SavvyScribbler • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago
SavvyScribbler • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
SavvyScribbler • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, Write A Famous Opening Sentence And Let Others Guess The Name Of The Novel
This one is too easy: It was a pleasure to burn.Hey Pandas, Write A Famous Opening Sentence And Let Others Guess The Name Of The Novel
"Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood"Hey Pandas, What Minor Things Should Still Be Celebrated?
waking up every day and making it through the dayHey Pandas, What Expression Should We Stop Saying?
it always makes me so mad when people say, "im literally gonna kms" as a joke. it's not funny at all.Hey Panda’s, What’s Your Best Book Writing Advice!
I have tons of advice for you guys! #1: When creating characters, it is very important to make their names based off their appearance, personality, qualities, etc. So instead of naming the wise and smart female “Samantha”, name her “Sophia” which I believe means wise (though I could be wrong) #2: When writing a book, you will NEVER finish it unless you complete the first draft. No matter how many grammar mistakes, bad plots, or whatever it is, FINISH IT!!!! You can add on/remove anything in your second draft later! And yes, most, if not all, professional authors will give the same advice. #3: If you’re making a fantasy book, plan way before hand. I’m not saying this doesn’t apply to other genres as well, but I only write fantasy so I can only give firsthand experience. Plan what the world climate is like, what the culture is like, what the biology is like. It’s very important to plan beforehand, and remember, you can always add on during the second draft. That’s it for now, maybe I’ll give some more advice later.When You Shower, What Way Do You Face? Toward The Water, So That Way You're Facing It, Or Away, Where The Water Hits The Back Of Your Head?
It depends. If I'm washing my hair, away from the showerhead, but if I'm washing my face, towards it. If I'm standing there rethinking life I sit on the floor though, so not entirely sure.Hey Pandas, What’s A Protest You Don’t Agree With?
There was recently an anti trans rights protest in Australia, so I'm against thatHey Pandas, In Your Opinion, What's The Most Messed Up Kids' Movie?
Coralline. I had nightmares for days! But I love it now. :)Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Do That You're Not Sure Anyone Else Does?
I make Everything into a colour. Like A is red, buildings are blue and science is green.( yes, whatever I said didn't make sense)Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Do That You're Not Sure Anyone Else Does?
I never get bored. Like, ever. I'm an author and I will make up little scenes or even re-write existing ones when I zone out. I'll be walking down the hallway at school and I'll do that. It's just natural now. I've been doing it for over a year. Also, I assign colors to numbers and letters. T is dark green. A is red. E is maybe a light pink. P is green. 9 is red. 4 is purple. Me and my sister love arguing over the colors of letters and numbers.Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Do That You're Not Sure Anyone Else Does?
I don't just randomly daydream. I either think of a new daydream plot or "rewatch" one of my favourites and schedule to daydream at a particular moment.Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Do You're Not Sure Anyone Else Does?
All my letters and numbers have colours, personalities and genders. I also give these characteristics to days of the week, months, the periodic table, symbols, colours etc. Numbers have a lot more drama going on compared to everything else with personalities. For me, numbers 3,5 and 7 are male and 4,6,8 are females. The numbers 1,2,0 and 9 change gender depending on what’s happening around them. 2 has a crush on 4 and has a love-hate relationship with 3 and 5. 6 and 4 are very kind and understanding people but people always take advantage of them. 6 knows how to deal with such people but 4 is very naive and unaware of all that so her friends 2,6 and 8 go behind those people. 7 used to date 8 when they were young but now 7 is a perv and he always tries to take advantage of 4. 9 is a full on bully constantly picking on numbers and they influenced 5 to behave rudely with even numbers. 3 is a spoilt brat who always wants everything to go his way and throws tantrums a lot so 1,2,4,5,6,7 and 9 have to always fulfil his demands even though it takes a toll on them. 8 doesn’t believe in doing that so 3 hates her. 1 and 0 always keep company with each other because of how small they are. Sometimes, they like to form big numbers like 10 and 100 so that they can multiply other numbers and make them big so that they feel better about themselves. 1 on their own goofs up a lot so they hate being multiplied on their own. 0 is kind of depressed but sometimes becomes a full on a*****e and turns everyone into 0 so that they feel bad. Negative numbers are a whole other story that I don’t feel like getting into at the momentThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet