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Hey! I'm Ducky,
bit about me
♥ gold/fish (although I also identify as a house plant and a dysfunctional glowstick on the side)
♥ Goldfish enthusiast
♥ (this bullet point is entirely dedicated to harry potter) I'm a Gryffindor, My patronus is a Marsh Harriet , And my wand is Yew Wood, dragon core, 13 inches, and has "Surprisingly Swishy flexibility" (hehe)
♥ I love HP, The PJ series (plus HOO my beloved <3) MHA, Assassination classroom, Narnia, Plus.. like.. a lot..
♥ If you have for any reason gotten this far I greatly appreciate you taking time to read this, thank you <3
♥(also Im cis, she/her, and to the surprise of most people, pretty darn straight, maybe ace tho)