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Cyrus Cox
Community Member
1 posts
47 points
I'm not a lazy panda
Cyrus Cox • commented on 8 posts 1 year ago
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Cyrus Cox • upvoted 32 items 1 year ago
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Cyrus Cox • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Cyrus Cox • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
jlcd11147 said: "He rearranged stuff in my house while I was asleep." samshine replied: "I feel like this needs more details. What did he rearrange and was there a reason?" jlcd11147 replied: "He turned every photo that had another man in it backward in the frame. But I also just don't like having my things messed with. So even if it had been the rearranging of pillows, that would've done it."Pettiest-Reason-Not-To-Date-Someone
"Knew someone who broke up with his girlfriend because she had to wear glasses. The reason he gave me was that he didn’t like glasses."Pettiest-Reason-Not-To-Date-Someone
BranigansLaw said: "She would try to show me songs she liked, and then change them halfway through a first listen." User No 2 replied: "I’ve done this out of fear they don’t like the song and I’m being dumb."Pettiest-Reason-Not-To-Date-Someone
"She told me to stop making gay jokes around her straight friends. We were literally a gay couple and I wasn't about to give up my terrible puns."Pettiest-Reason-Not-To-Date-Someone
"He wore knee-length jean shorts. Just couldn’t ever unsee that."Pettiest-Reason-Not-To-Date-Someone
"Oh man, I’ve got a good one for this. This girl I dated had a cat and she would just pour cat food on the floor when she wanted to eat. Claimed the cat didn’t like eating out of bowls. She didn’t have a litter box either, and the cat would poop on her couch. She didn’t have any cat care items other than cat food. It was basically a stray outdoor cat she was trying to charm."Pettiest-Reason-Not-To-Date-Someone
"IDK if this counts, but I already not liking this girl, and she told me that God told her we should break up. I immediately was like well haha don't wanna mess with the big man. She regretted it and tried getting back with me, but I kept sarcastically insisting she shouldn't go against God's will."Pettiest-Reason-Not-To-Date-Someone
User No 1 said: "I was told this was petty but I disagree. When I refused to take public transit every weekend to go see him I knew it wasn’t going to work. For the record, it would have taken me upwards of 4 hours and 5 buses because of where he lived. It would take him 45 minutes to come to get me if he wanted to spend the weekend together. He did not work but had a nice income from the Navy. I was working and wasn’t done with work until 6/7 pm. His reason was that he didn’t want to put that many miles on his car." AlliedSalad replied: "Your time was less valuable to him than his odometer. I'm with you, that's valid, not petty."This Panda has no followers yet