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Luisa Madrigal
Community Member
1 posts
1.3K points
I'm the strong one.
Luisa Madrigal • upvoted 39 items 2 years ago
celestialmotion reply
Until the age of 13 myself and siblings each had to take baths with dad to ensure we cleaned everywhere.anon reply
Here's a christmas-y one for ya'll! No christmas presents after you turn 12 - t'was okay since we barely got presents from my mum (who we lived with) and my dad (I don't think I had even seen him in 4 years at the time.) BUT THEN... she spread the rule to my abuelita and grandpa (the only other people we got presents from.) ugh. Oh and we also had to make all our own food since we were 13 which made me take to only binge eating at lunch and nothing else all day. Oh AANNDD she would hurt our pets if they hurt her. I mean like if a cat ever scratched her (wow really who woulda thought cats do that?) she would scream really loud and bite the cat. Fun fact: I've never had a full punch on with anyone other than my mum...maybe my sister but ya reply
Not a rule, just something that I never realized was weird until I was an adult. My mom had a phobia of needles, so she managed to find a dentist who didn't believe in giving novocaine shots. For any reason. Didn't even use that numbing gel.When you had a cavity, and needed to have your teeth drilled, he would just tell you to hold onto his assistant's hand, and squeeze when it hurt. Thank God, none of us ever needed to have a tooth pulled. As a result, I developed a phobia of dentists, and after I left my parents house at 18, waited 23 years, before I ever got up the nerve to go to a dentist again. When I finally did, they were shocked. The hygienist said, "Your teeth are beautiful. You don't even have any cavities." I said "I know. I do everything in my power to avoid having to come see you people."rmack10 reply
My parents wouldn't let me do anything with friends if they felt I had "done enough that week" or "didn't need to" even when I hadn't done anything at all that particular week. My friends started calling it the fun meter. "Wanna come play basketball at the park or is your fun meter full this week?"AlwaysANewb reply
Not me, but this guy in my neighborhood. So the 1st day of high school rolls around and there is this new kid at the bus stop. I try to make small talk, but he doesn't seem interested. I see him around school and he never talks to anyone. Everyday at the bus stop I try to make small talk and slowly, over many weeks, he says more and more. One morning he says to me that I can come over after school for a snack. I'm like "Sure, dude". After school we go to his house and it is super clean. Like operating room clean. We sit at the kitchen table and his mom sits with us. He looks a little worried, but I don't understand why at the time. As we eat our snack (sugar wafers and milk do NOT go together) his mom starts to ask me questions. Things like what music I listen to. What does my dad do for a living. What are my grades. What church do I go to. Lots of weird questions for a kid in the 9th grade. With some of my answers she would look to her son, who gave more and more worried looks. Eventually she stopped grilling me and said that her son needed to do his homework and I should leave. I was glad to get out of there at that point. I go home and mention to one of my older brothers what happened and he was all "Holy s**t! You met the mole kid!". Turns out that this kid had lived in my neighborhood for all these years and I didn't even know it! He was home schooled and not let out in the front of the house. Over the next 4 years we ruined this kid for his parents. He rebelled against their rules and became one of the guys. We introduced him to the world of sports, beer, weed, and girls. After high school we lost touch (my fault. rough patch for me). Hey Jason, if you read this, look up the guy who had all those older brothers back in high school. I miss you.LadySmuag reply
Normal parents take a toy away until their child's behavior improves, then returns the toy as a reward for good behavior. My mother just took my stuff and never gave it back. She'd claim that we could 'earn' our toys back with extra chores and good grades, but she never followed through even though I was on honor roll every single semester. I was in college when the closet organizer in our hallway closet had a critical failure, so I came home to help move stuff. I found an entire box of my confiscated books and toys. I s**t you not, my mother picked up a beanie baby and looked at me sadly while she said, "I was waiting for you to earn this back." What, were you going to surprise me with after I walked the stage and got my diploma?justsomefairy reply
"You eat everything you're served". So if they put a whole lot of food on our plate, and we had already eaten enough and were not hungry anymore, we would have to stay on the table until we were done.adakati reply
My parents are pretty much hoarders so we would get in trouble for cleaning. My mom always blamed our house being messy on her just being "too busy" so once in junior high I thought I would surprise her and have the whole kitchen clean when she got home. I cleared all the piles off the counters, threw away a bunch of decades-old magazines, and took out like 2 giant bags of trash. When she got home she was NOT pleased, but panicked, and promptly went digging outside in the trash can to bring the stuff back in. :/Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
lostmysoultothedevil reply
If your kid is dirty. And I don't just mean juice on their face or some grass stains on their clothes. I mean when the child has obviously not been bathed in days/weeks. Also, if a child has bad manners and the parents do nothing to correct them. You are raising rude and inconsiderate people.Show All 39 Upvotes
Luisa Madrigal • commented on a post 2 years ago
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Luisa Madrigal • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Luisa Madrigal • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
lostmysoultothedevil reply
If your kid is dirty. And I don't just mean juice on their face or some grass stains on their clothes. I mean when the child has obviously not been bathed in days/weeks. Also, if a child has bad manners and the parents do nothing to correct them. You are raising rude and inconsiderate people.Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
Artist Illustrates The Pressures She And Other Women Face From Society In 25 New Honest Comics ( New Comics)
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