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1 posts
42 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Candace • upvoted 30 items 2 years ago
I learned how to fight, then beat the hell out of him. He left me alone from then on. Got in trouble with the school, but when they called my dad to tell him I was fighting, he said "Yeah, I bet. I paid for the lessons. Was it that little s**t who's been bullying him?" I did not get in trouble at home.Mindblowing-Scientific-Facts
When you dream, one portion of your brain creates the story, while another part witnesses the events and is really shocked by the plot twists.I Need A Burner Account For All The People I Want To Make Fun In The Comments Section On Linkedin. Not Sure Why Attribution Was Removed But I Stole This From Reddit.
The problem isn’t that obesity runs in your family. It’s that no one runs in your family.Interesting-Facts-About-Cats-Figgythefeline
Feral, unspayed cats can have litters of 3 - 7 kittens every 4 months. Those kittens have kittens. Their kittens have kittens, and so on. Spaying and neutering halts this process and prevents THOUSANDS of kittens.Show All 30 Upvotes
Candace • commented on 10 posts 2 years ago
Show All 10 Comments
Candace • submitted a new post 3 years ago
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Candace • commented on 11 posts 2 years ago
Candace • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
I learned how to fight, then beat the hell out of him. He left me alone from then on. Got in trouble with the school, but when they called my dad to tell him I was fighting, he said "Yeah, I bet. I paid for the lessons. Was it that little s**t who's been bullying him?" I did not get in trouble at home.One-Liner-Jokes
The problem isn’t that obesity runs in your family. It’s that no one runs in your family.Mindblowing-Scientific-Facts
When you dream, one portion of your brain creates the story, while another part witnesses the events and is really shocked by the plot twists.People-Overheard-Creepiest-Things
I overheard someone in a bathroom talking to themselves in Yoda's voice saying "mmm tough this one is, use the force I must". 8 years ago, still creeps me outThis Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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