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Camila Monteiro
Community Member
1 posts
30 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Camila Monteiro • upvoted 2 items 4 months ago
Camila Monteiro • upvoted an item 5 months ago
Camila Monteiro • upvoted 2 items 6 months ago
Camila Monteiro • submitted a list addition 6 months ago
Camila Monteiro • commented on a post 6 months ago
Camila Monteiro • upvoted 12 items 1 year ago
My Buddy Threw His Detector Down And Started This Wild And Crazy Dance. I Asked Him What He Found, But He Couldn't Speak. He Had To Point To It
Ouroborus13 reply
I was in Mumbai during a terrorist attack. It was on the train line I was supposed to take back home, which I luckily was late for, so I had to hop in a cab but was stuck in it trying to reach my friends for 4 hours. All the phone lines jammed. Everyone thought I was dead. It was pretty scary and chaotic. In Mongolia we camped next to a lake and in the wee hours of the dawn a pair of very drunk Mongolian guys attacked my friends’ tent and beat them up (they were also Mongolian). Also on that trip a yak broke our van.torquemycork reply
One time i thought I locked my keys in the car. (They were in my pocket. Yep. I figured out halfway through and by then i decided to die with this secret. Sometimes I detach the ignition key off my huge keychain to make it easier and I peeked through my car saw the keychain and didn't even check my pockets and just assumed I left all my keys in the locked car. Stupid.). we had to walk 2 miles to her friends job up a hill in super cold windy as f**k conditions, in like flip flops and definitely not suitable clothing, and then we got a super awkward drive to her house from her friend, then we had to drive 30 minutes to my house, get my spare keys, go back, and give the other dude some gas money. It took us like 2 hours and we were both exhausted and wanting to go home at the start of it and then I had of course to drive back and drop her off and then get gas and then go home. Lol.AnitaVodkasoda reply
It was “his weekend” and I needed tampons. He took me to Walgreens and tried to drop me at the door and I said “I don’t have any money” so he gave me cash and said I could pay him back. I was 12. He wasn’t kidding. Never respected my dad again after that. I told my mom and she offered to send me with money but I told her I didn’t want to go there anymore after that.Show All 12 Upvotes
Camila Monteiro • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Camila Monteiro • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
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Camila Monteiro • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Camila Monteiro • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Camila Monteiro • submitted a list addition 6 months ago
Camila Monteiro • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Camila Monteiro • commented on a post 6 months ago
Camila Monteiro • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
Camila Monteiro • upvoted 2 items 4 months ago
Camila Monteiro • upvoted an item 5 months ago
Camila Monteiro • upvoted 2 items 6 months ago
Camila Monteiro • upvoted 12 items 1 year ago
My Buddy Threw His Detector Down And Started This Wild And Crazy Dance. I Asked Him What He Found, But He Couldn't Speak. He Had To Point To It
Ouroborus13 reply
I was in Mumbai during a terrorist attack. It was on the train line I was supposed to take back home, which I luckily was late for, so I had to hop in a cab but was stuck in it trying to reach my friends for 4 hours. All the phone lines jammed. Everyone thought I was dead. It was pretty scary and chaotic. In Mongolia we camped next to a lake and in the wee hours of the dawn a pair of very drunk Mongolian guys attacked my friends’ tent and beat them up (they were also Mongolian). Also on that trip a yak broke our van.torquemycork reply
One time i thought I locked my keys in the car. (They were in my pocket. Yep. I figured out halfway through and by then i decided to die with this secret. Sometimes I detach the ignition key off my huge keychain to make it easier and I peeked through my car saw the keychain and didn't even check my pockets and just assumed I left all my keys in the locked car. Stupid.). we had to walk 2 miles to her friends job up a hill in super cold windy as f**k conditions, in like flip flops and definitely not suitable clothing, and then we got a super awkward drive to her house from her friend, then we had to drive 30 minutes to my house, get my spare keys, go back, and give the other dude some gas money. It took us like 2 hours and we were both exhausted and wanting to go home at the start of it and then I had of course to drive back and drop her off and then get gas and then go home. Lol.AnitaVodkasoda reply
It was “his weekend” and I needed tampons. He took me to Walgreens and tried to drop me at the door and I said “I don’t have any money” so he gave me cash and said I could pay him back. I was 12. He wasn’t kidding. Never respected my dad again after that. I told my mom and she offered to send me with money but I told her I didn’t want to go there anymore after that.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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