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Being American is not an excuse to be stupid, I should know because I am American and I know the difference between England, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom.
50 Times People Posted Something So Hilariously ‘Dumb’ On X, It Ended Up On This IG Page (New Pics)
ThatIrishArtist reply
When they say,
"My great great great (ect.) Grandparent was Irish, therefore I'm Irish."
It happens way too often and it genuinely annoys a lot of us Irish people.
Enceladus89 reply
My friend (Australian) walked into a McDonalds in the US and there was a man sitting at one of the tables reading a Bible and openly wearing a gun around his waist. That is a uniquely American combination.
anon reply
When they’re in another country (vacation, business etc) when a local asks them where they’re from they say their state instead of their country. I’m sorry but not many people in Brazil know what a “Delaware” is.
shelbywhore: 'The Midwest' of what, exactly???
Mustard_a*s reply
Talking to strangers in public. After living in Germany for two months I was horrified when a stranger on the bus commented on my shoes.
Yup! Went to Florida, and when I went shopping I was wearing a skirt, and a girl maybe a few years older than I was commented on how she loved my skirt. Would NEVER have happened in Denmark, that’s for sure.
Mustard_a*s reply
Talking to strangers in public. After living in Germany for two months I was horrified when a stranger on the bus commented on my shoes.
Yup! Went to Florida, and when I went shopping I was wearing a skirt, and a girl maybe a few years older than I was commented on how she loved my skirt. Would NEVER have happened in Denmark, that’s for sure.
ThatIrishArtist reply
When they say,
"My great great great (ect.) Grandparent was Irish, therefore I'm Irish."
It happens way too often and it genuinely annoys a lot of us Irish people.
anon reply
When they’re in another country (vacation, business etc) when a local asks them where they’re from they say their state instead of their country. I’m sorry but not many people in Brazil know what a “Delaware” is.
shelbywhore: 'The Midwest' of what, exactly???
Enceladus89 reply
My friend (Australian) walked into a McDonalds in the US and there was a man sitting at one of the tables reading a Bible and openly wearing a gun around his waist. That is a uniquely American combination.