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Lydsylou (she/her)
Community Member
My pronouns are she/her I'm from the UK and I've been using BP for about a two years. I enjoy memes and posts about people being idiots! My favourite colours are orange and red, my favourite band is imagine dragons, my favourite animal is a diamond python but I love every type of snake. I'm aged somewhere between 15 and 25 and I have 9 siblings (7 alive and 2 with Jesus) I've been a Christian for 3 years. I'm a cisgender lesbian. I'm a waitress and I would love it if anyone wants to have a conversation with me on here! This is the only social media I have because,unlike everywhere else, it doesn't make much difference if you miss a couple days in this site. Everyone else seems to be mentioning their height so I am the colossal length of 5"1.5 and I'm very proud of that .5 at the end!
ASemiAquaticBird reply
My father's side of the family had "the help" all the way up until the 70s or so.
Their family employed a black woman who resided in a separate part of the home, did almost all the cooking, cleaning, babysat my father and his siblings, etc.
But she was not permitted to eat at the same time as my father's family - to say the least. There was an extremely small room off the kitchen she was allowed to eat in by herself after the family had finished their meal.
With that said - after my grandparents passed away, my father allocated a portion of his inheritance to her so she would no longer have to work. It wasn't living lavishly or anything - but it was enough to get by. He also insisted absolutely that she be included on family events like holidays and birthdays, because she was also family. I grew up viewing her as like a great aunt.
Took This Photo Of The Beautiful Sunrise At Our Bed And Breakfast, Years Ago, During Our Honeymoon. I Didn't Look At It Closely And Sent To All Of Our Family. Nothing Says "Welcome To The Family" Like A Photo Such As This
Volatile-Fox reply
You think your skeleton is inside you, but you’re a brain so you’re inside your skeleton.
4 Hours Into A 13 Hour Road Trip To My Family's 3 Week Vacation Of The Year And I Just Realized That In The Rush To Leave I Forgot To Bring Any Other Shoes With Me
Took This Photo Of The Beautiful Sunrise At Our Bed And Breakfast, Years Ago, During Our Honeymoon. I Didn't Look At It Closely And Sent To All Of Our Family. Nothing Says "Welcome To The Family" Like A Photo Such As This
ASemiAquaticBird reply
My father's side of the family had "the help" all the way up until the 70s or so.
Their family employed a black woman who resided in a separate part of the home, did almost all the cooking, cleaning, babysat my father and his siblings, etc.
But she was not permitted to eat at the same time as my father's family - to say the least. There was an extremely small room off the kitchen she was allowed to eat in by herself after the family had finished their meal.
With that said - after my grandparents passed away, my father allocated a portion of his inheritance to her so she would no longer have to work. It wasn't living lavishly or anything - but it was enough to get by. He also insisted absolutely that she be included on family events like holidays and birthdays, because she was also family. I grew up viewing her as like a great aunt.