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bumble bee
Community Member
1 posts
816 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
bumble bee • commented on 8 posts 2 years ago
Show All 8 Comments
bumble bee • upvoted 31 items 2 years ago
Richard Stallman. Warned us back in the 80s that if we allow corporations to rule the internet that nobody will have privacy or freedom on the web, among many other things.Hey Pandas, What Was One Thing That Helped You Keep Your Sanity During Quarantine?
Quarantine did not change my lifestyle one bit. I worked through it, came home, shopped for food/necessities. Nothing changedWorst-Things-Being-Adult
Knowing the fact that one day, you won't have your parents to help you anymore, you could easily wind up broke and homeless and you're nearing closer and closer to your own death.Worst-Things-Being-Adult
Like…the kitchen is just always dirty. I clean and clean and I look up and the sink is full of dishes again. It never ends.Worst-Things-Being-Adult
I hate having to work. I’m not against the concept, I fully understand why you have to seek gainful employment. I just hate it.Hey Pandas, Do You Think It's Impolite To Lay Your Seat Back In An Airplane When There’s Someone Sitting Behind You?
Nope, thats what its there for. Its not your problem if someone is inconvenienced by you using the seat recliner that was provided.Former-Employees-Company-Secrets
Comcast spams their own employees asking them to donate money to their PAC to fight Net Neutrality. F**k Comcast, I’m glad I was fired.Show All 31 Upvotes
bumble bee • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
bumble bee • submitted a new post 3 years ago
bumble bee • submitted 19 list additions 2 years ago
bumble bee • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
bumble bee • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
bumble bee • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Richard Stallman. Warned us back in the 80s that if we allow corporations to rule the internet that nobody will have privacy or freedom on the web, among many other things.Worst-Things-Being-Adult
I hate having to work. I’m not against the concept, I fully understand why you have to seek gainful employment. I just hate it.Worst-Things-Being-Adult
Like…the kitchen is just always dirty. I clean and clean and I look up and the sink is full of dishes again. It never ends.Worst-Things-Being-Adult
Knowing the fact that one day, you won't have your parents to help you anymore, you could easily wind up broke and homeless and you're nearing closer and closer to your own death.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
bumble bee • 60 followers