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Hi! I’m a cat-lover who enjoys passing the time on bored panda. I love to debate with people and enjoy making friends! You will see me quite often in the ‘funny section’ making witty jokes!
BoredPandaAddict • upvoted 8 items 2 years ago
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BoredPandaAddict • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
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BoredPandaAddict • upvoted 5 items 3 years ago
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BoredPandaAddict • commented on 7 posts 3 years ago
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BoredPandaAddict • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
BoredPandaAddict • upvoted 9 items 2 years ago
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BoredPandaAddict • upvoted 11 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Trusted Your Gut And Ended Up Being Right?
Unfortunately, yes. When I was in highschool I had a nagging feeling that I should go visit my grandmother at the old age home that Saturday. I had a gut feeling that if I did not go I would not have the opportunity not see her again. I figured that I was being silly and decided to hang out at home instead. Sure enough she passed away that night. Fast forward a decade later and my father is in a hospice dying of cancer. I went to go visit him after work and had that same feeling again. I thought I should try to create a makeshift bed and stay the night. This would be the last chance to be with him. Once again I told myself I was being silly and went home to spend the night with my wife who was pregnant at the time. I got the call the next day that my dad passed in the early morning. Now what really makes the last one sting is that when my wife and I started dating we had a long talk about our fears. I told her one my fears growing up was that my dad would pass before I had kids. He was 50 when he had me so it always seemed like a possibility. To add insult to injury when my dads cancer came back and we found out my wife was pregnant I just wanted him to fight until he would find out the sex of the baby (he always wanted a baby girl). He passed a week before we found out we were having a baby girl. So ya. I had those gut feelings that turned out to be true.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
BoredPandaAddict • 87 followers