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2 posts
16 points
Describe myself in 3 words, you say? hmmm... Pretty easy. Crazy Delusional Idiot.
BwookieCookie • started following a person 2 years ago
BwookieCookie • commented on 17 posts 2 years ago
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BwookieCookie • upvoted 22 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Was The Scariest Thing That Happened To You On Halloween?
We had bullies on our street and my oldest brother (10 years older) said he'd come to make sure nothing happened to me and my friends. He was still living at home so I was probably 6 or 7. We were almost done when suddenly the bully and his cronies attacked us. I start yelling to my brother and see to my horror that he's flirting (flirting!!!) with a girl in front of her house and didn't hear anything. We lost all our candies and we all had bruises and black eyes. Even though that brother was my favorite I had a hard time forgiving him. I never went after that night. That was it for me.Hey Pandas, What Was The Scariest Thing That Happened To You On Halloween?
Had my tonsils out when I was 16. Back in the old-timey days when you stayed overnight in the hospital. I had to use the toilet but figured I was 16 years old and I could certainly go potty by myself.....Took one step off the bed, passed out and woke up with a broken ankle.Hey Pandas, What Was The Scariest Thing That Happened To You On Halloween?
We had bullies on our street and my oldest brother (10 years older) said he'd come to make sure nothing happened to me and my friends. He was still living at home so I was probably 6 or 7. We were almost done when suddenly the bully and his cronies attacked us. I start yelling to my brother and see to my horror that he's flirting (flirting!!!) with a girl in front of her house and didn't hear anything. We lost all our candies and we all had bruises and black eyes. Even though that brother was my favorite I had a hard time forgiving him. I never went after that night. That was it for me.Hey Pandas, What Was The Scariest Thing That Happened To You On Halloween?
Had my tonsils out when I was 16. Back in the old-timey days when you stayed overnight in the hospital. I had to use the toilet but figured I was 16 years old and I could certainly go potty by myself.....Took one step off the bed, passed out and woke up with a broken ankle.Show All 22 Upvotes
BwookieCookie • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
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BwookieCookie • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
BwookieCookie • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Was The Scariest Thing That Happened To You On Halloween?
We had bullies on our street and my oldest brother (10 years older) said he'd come to make sure nothing happened to me and my friends. He was still living at home so I was probably 6 or 7. We were almost done when suddenly the bully and his cronies attacked us. I start yelling to my brother and see to my horror that he's flirting (flirting!!!) with a girl in front of her house and didn't hear anything. We lost all our candies and we all had bruises and black eyes. Even though that brother was my favorite I had a hard time forgiving him. I never went after that night. That was it for me.Hey Pandas, What Was The Scariest Thing That Happened To You On Halloween?
Had my tonsils out when I was 16. Back in the old-timey days when you stayed overnight in the hospital. I had to use the toilet but figured I was 16 years old and I could certainly go potty by myself.....Took one step off the bed, passed out and woke up with a broken ankle. BwookieCookie • is following a person
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