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Brooke Purvis
Community Member
3 posts
131 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Brooke Purvis • commented on 27 posts 4 years ago
Show All 27 Comments
Brooke Purvis • upvoted 13 items 4 years ago
People Who Used To Be "Ugly Ducklings" Share Their Transformations, And We Can Barely Recognize Them
Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing You Thought Or Believed As A Kid?
I believed that once I fell asleep I wouldn't wake and once I did my parents would be gone... Yeah, I know weird right, but why I thought this was because my ONLY fear was not having my parents around. Dad always said he would be there for me to save the day. ( my superman ) Mom said she would too be there always, (My wonder woman) not to save the day but to be there for me when I needed her the most. But yet I got bullied for 4 years STRAIGHT and I'm still alone... dad I got beat up every day, where were you then, huh??Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing You Thought Or Believed As A Kid?
There isn’t a dome over Michigan giving us bad weather. Moles aren’t giant furry leeches that attach themselves to your skin and make you look ugly. And no, chocolate milk does not come from black ladies.Show All 13 Upvotes
Brooke Purvis • submitted 3 new posts 4 years ago
Brooke Purvis • submitted 5 list additions 4 years ago
Brooke Purvis • commented on 20 posts 4 years ago
Brooke Purvis • upvoted 20 items 4 years ago
My Name Is Mac And Today, My New Daddy Drove Over 300 Miles To Rescue Me And Give Me A Forever-Sofa!
People Who Used To Be "Ugly Ducklings" Share Their Transformations, And We Can Barely Recognize Them
Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing You Thought Or Believed As A Kid?
I believed that once I fell asleep I wouldn't wake and once I did my parents would be gone... Yeah, I know weird right, but why I thought this was because my ONLY fear was not having my parents around. Dad always said he would be there for me to save the day. ( my superman ) Mom said she would too be there always, (My wonder woman) not to save the day but to be there for me when I needed her the most. But yet I got bullied for 4 years STRAIGHT and I'm still alone... dad I got beat up every day, where were you then, huh??Hey Pandas, What Is The Craziest Thing You Thought Or Believed As A Kid?
There isn’t a dome over Michigan giving us bad weather. Moles aren’t giant furry leeches that attach themselves to your skin and make you look ugly. And no, chocolate milk does not come from black ladies. Brooke Purvis • is following a person
Brooke Purvis • 26 followers