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Boogs Btq
Community Member
1 posts
28 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Boogs Btq • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Boogs Btq • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
Boogs Btq • upvoted 37 items 1 year ago
Farrah Collapsed In A Deep Sleep On My Lap Just After Destroying His Business' Ball Pit, Flooding My Living Room With 400 Plastic Balls
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Things That You’re Just 'Over And Done' With?
Adverts for Temu in every single app. (Obviously other comments have covered more important topics like corruption and capitalism)Hey Pandas, What Are Some Things That You’re Just 'Over And Done' With?
Gun safety is common sense. I am DONE with people saying their right to bear arms outweighs public safety. DONE. I was raised hunting. I know what guns are, what they do, and how to use 'em. And as my late gramps said, anyone who wants guns that much *shouldn't have 'em*. So, yeah, done with the "second amendment defenders" here in the US. Defend the public safety instead! Schoolkids shouldn't be scared of gunmen!Hey Pandas! What Are Some Things That You’re Just “Over And Done” With?
Avocados- to expensive and unethical farming. Diamonds- greed driven and unethical mining. EVs- charging anxiety, expense. Republicans- self explanatory Elon Musk- can we send him on a one way trip on one of his rockets? Twitter/X- if everyone quit using it, Elon, musk, fails. Come on y’all let’s make this happen. Facebook- fake Instagram- more fake. Starbucks- i’m saving a ton by not subscribing to the blind consumerism mentality Airline industry- when did it become such a nightmare? Weddings- if I need some drama, I’ll just watch some TV Donald Trump- can he ride with Elon? Keeping up with the Jonses- they’re brokebgbhj32 reply
The fact that google, Facebook and Elon Musk can buy the whole internet and that's not considered monopolyShow All 37 Upvotes
Boogs Btq • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Boogs Btq • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
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Boogs Btq • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
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