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Aline Bojan
Community Member
1 posts
191 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Aline Bojan • upvoted 3 items 2 years ago
Digital Art
My 22 Surreal Photo Edits That Offer A New Perspective For The Ordinary Things (New Pics)
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Aline Bojan • commented on 2 posts 3 years ago
Aline Bojan • upvoted 35 items 3 years ago
My son is my fourth cousin. We adopted him as an infant from an agency. Fun to find that we are actually related!Rude-Gifts-From-Loved-Ones
When I was 8, I told my gran that I liked jeeps. So every year, for Christmas I got a crappier jeep. The first year was a model. Ok I like models I put it together it was fun. Next year was a remote. Then a matchbox. and so on. When I was 15 she gave me a jeep calendar. I love my gran so I hung the calendar and told her I loved it. On my 16th Christmas, she gives me a key ring that says Jeep. UGH. Then asks me to go out and get some preserves from the barn. In the barn was a brand new 86 jeep! Gran plays the long game.Toxic-Positivity-Phrase-Reddit
“It all made you stronger” It rubs me the wrong way because it invalidates all the bulls**t I had to claw through. I made me stronger. Trauma made me weak, tired, and a repulsive version of myself. If I allowed that to control my life’s outcomes I would be in a dark ass place. I put in the work. I made me strong. All that destroyed me.Show All 35 Upvotes
Aline Bojan • submitted a new post 6 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Aline Bojan • commented on 2 posts 3 years ago
Aline Bojan • commented on 18 posts 6 years ago
Aline Bojan • upvoted 4 items 2 years ago
Aline Bojan • upvoted 16 items 3 years ago
My son is my fourth cousin. We adopted him as an infant from an agency. Fun to find that we are actually related!Rude-Gifts-From-Loved-Ones
When I was 8, I told my gran that I liked jeeps. So every year, for Christmas I got a crappier jeep. The first year was a model. Ok I like models I put it together it was fun. Next year was a remote. Then a matchbox. and so on. When I was 15 she gave me a jeep calendar. I love my gran so I hung the calendar and told her I loved it. On my 16th Christmas, she gives me a key ring that says Jeep. UGH. Then asks me to go out and get some preserves from the barn. In the barn was a brand new 86 jeep! Gran plays the long game.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Aline Bojan • 21 followers