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Puppeteer Saint
Community Member
1 posts
2.4K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Puppeteer Saint • commented on 14 posts 2 years ago
35 "Hot Masculinity Takes" That Are So Wrong, They Had To Be Shamed On This Twitter Page (New Posts)
Show All 14 Comments
Puppeteer Saint • upvoted 26 items 2 years ago
AloneIntheCorner reply
My gym teacher always tells this one story about how she went to high school with Nathan Fillion, and he bought an election for a friend of his by promising almost all the girls in the school he'd go out with them if they voted for his friend.Trickle-Down Economics
AlbionRemainsXIV said: Trickle-down economics. Ultima_RatioRegum elaborated: If you were told this in a vacuum without any knowledge of the outside world, then it may seem to make logical sense. However, I don't think this is one of those beliefs that people have due to stupidity. The reason many people believe this is due to a multi-decade misinformation campaign waged by the owning class against the working class (and by working class, I mean anyone whose primary source of income is wage labor, from tradespeople to rocket scientists).Show All 26 Upvotes
Puppeteer Saint • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Puppeteer Saint • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Puppeteer Saint • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
35 "Hot Masculinity Takes" That Are So Wrong, They Had To Be Shamed On This Twitter Page (New Posts)
50 Funny, Weird, And Ridiculous Things That Actually Exist On Amazon, As Shared By This Online Group
Puppeteer Saint • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
AloneIntheCorner reply
My gym teacher always tells this one story about how she went to high school with Nathan Fillion, and he bought an election for a friend of his by promising almost all the girls in the school he'd go out with them if they voted for his friend. Puppeteer Saint • is following a person