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SpiderLilySaber • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
SpiderLilySaber • upvoted 38 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Plant Care Tips You Learned That You Feel Everyone Should Know? (Closed)
If your flower pot has no hole in the bottom with a water-holding tray below (essentially, a solid bottom), dig up some small rocks/stones to place in the bottom before adding the dirt and your plant. This layer of stones creates a space for the water to settle and discourages root rot.VodkaKahluaMilkCream reply
My family has no idea that I had an abortion when I was 23. They would never, ever forgive me. Edit: I have no guilt or regret over my decision. If forgiveness was ever needed, I gave it to myself a long time ago. However, it would not be worth the headache I would get from my deeply right-wing family if they ever found out. All they ever need to know is that my mom thought i was pregnant and it turned out I wasn't. Second edit: instead of giving awards to this post please give money to pro-choice charities. I know what it is to be pregnant and desperate for options. There is nothing okay with denying that choice to others.Least-Designer7976 reply
Self-harm. And that the only reason I didn't end myself between 11 and 17 was because I'm an only child and I was sure my mom would never survive. It's pretty damn awful to discover that you can actually not survive but just live also for yourself. And have real pleasure. That life can be enjoyable. Edit : a bit horrified by how quick the number of likes is increasing ... If anyone of you need it ; I love you, I give you a hug, I hope you enjoy your day and that you didn't forgot to drink and eat. Am your SH godmother and no, you didn't deserved to be so worry that you were afraid for the feelings of the adults surrounding you as a child. NEVER. You deserved to be helped and to live a normal childhood. If anyone wants to talk, come to my DM. 876 days free from SH, so I can hear pretty anything. EDIT 2 : I would have loved to create a kinda AA equivalent for the mental issues : depression, suicide, anxiety, bipolarity ... When I see how many people want to talk, I really feel like it would be worthy. EDIT 3 : Following the advice of a fellow Redditer, I created an AngelsAnonymous community to let a free space for anyone to talk about any mental issue you have, or any mark year you want to celebrate. I absolutely don't know how to share it ^^' but it's written r/AngelsAnonymous . I'm going to try to create a few groups to talk in. Feel free to come in, you're safe there <3 EDIT 4 : I insist, everyone is welcome on r/AngelsAnonymous ; no matter what you need, how you feel, what happened to you, we are all little angels trying to help each other. I can't make it live on my own, speak on it, do your own post, that's OUR family safe space. EDIT 5 : I'm amazed by the dozen of people who came to me to talk about their stories. Yet a lot of people are member without writing anything. Write. Tell. Express yourself. It's a free space and no one may judge you in it. You're worthy of respect and you deserve to be heard.Neko_Nek0 reply
I have no idea who I am. Like physically or mentally. My family thinks I'm a strong willed guy who loves certain things. But it isn't like that at all. I'm nothing like that and I don't feel like I know myself who I am. It's like I'm an actor in mutiple plays and have a certain different character for each individual interaction and situation. To be honest, I don't even know what my real personality is like. Edit: thank you all for the kind comments and help, I really appreciate this! Not to worry this isn't that bad, I'm fine. Just wanted to share this feeling/experiencektward007 reply
I was SAed from 11-16 by my “cousin” and I reported at 17. No one believed me. Half even blame me. Even my father has a familiar relationship with the guy.AndrogynousRain reply
So…. My brother and I saw Aliens as a kid and we were super intrigued by the flame throwers. In a feat of idiotic 13 year old brilliance, we determined that a super soaker filled with aquanet with a butane lighter strapped to the front might actually work the same. To our utter shock, it did. Shot twenty foot streams of sticky flame. We were just overjoyed. Until said sticky flame hit the side of the house and caught it on fire. Oh s**t! So we race over and between my shirt and the hose get it out, but there’s a large dark spot on the side of the house. So we disassemble and clean out the flamethrower and mums the word. Thirty years later, we’re eating dinner over at the folks, and dad remarks they’ve painted the house and ‘finally got rid of that weird dark spot’. Much stealthy chortling ensued. Honestly. How do kids survive childhood? We’re all idiots.Keepdreamingkiddo reply
I was in a Long distance relationship with someone from another country for 2 years. I would travel nearly every month to visit them or they would come to me. They had no idea when they messaged me, I was sometimes out of the country, either in their country or on a trip somewhere else. I was living a completely different life that barely anyone knew about. Edit: It’s been interesting to read some other peoples similar experiences. A lot of people are also experiencing this due to culture, religion or families not supporting. My reason was a little different. I had come out of a relationship with a very abusive and dangerous person. He had completely embedded themselves in my family’s life and when I finally left them, I lost my family with it. I moved to the next town over and kept contact with my parents but all information about daily life was hidden. I built a life slowly, and part of that was a solo trip abroad, where I met someone. I was far too terrified to tell them the truth about what had happened with my ex. I didn’t think they’d believe me and I didn’t want them to know. My parents eventually cut ties with him but my brother stayed friends with him after. I went NC with my brother for 4 years in total. I was so scared my ex would find out and come looking for me due to jealousy that the relationship was kept a secret from most people I knew, including my parents in case they let something slip to my brother. I have left the country now for good, and I’m sure there’s people who I have some degree of connection to, that have no idea I ever left. I’ve always been someone that has kept their cards close to their chest, and life circumstances have contributed to that greatly.Independent-Ad-1921 reply
I gave $10k to a woman overseas I met online so she could leave Egypt and study in Germany, despite being pretty broke at the time. She did actually go study in Germany and I met her there. A few years later she paid me back. And yes there was a bit of romance at one point (long after the loan) but it didn't last long. I should also mention we are the same age. We're still close.BurrSugar reply
I had a miscarriage on my 17th birthday. I had found out I was pregnant 3 days after my HS boyfriend and I had broken up when my sister caught him f*****g my best friend. I didn’t tell anyone I was pregnant, except him. I hadn’t figured out what I was going to do yet, or how to tell them. Turned out to not matter, because 2 weeks later, again, on my birthday, I woke up in incredible pain and my bed was just covered in blood. I was home alone, so I just called my ex to take me to the hospital and never said a word to anyone in my family. He and the girl he cheated on me with showed up, and she cleaned up the bed while he drove me to the hospital. I had already passed the fetus - she found it. It messed me up for a long time, and I tried to kill myself not long after that. My family does know about that, but they assumed it was a combination of my anxiety meds and my breakup. Those were factors, but the miscarriage was a big factor, too. ETA: Thank you everyone for the kind words. This was nearly 15 years ago now, and I’d say I’be healed now. I still think about it from time to time, think about how I’d have a teenager by now, and how different my life would be (I came out as gay about 5 years later, started dating a woman and moved across the country with her, later marrying her. We have no children). I’m grateful that I could heal and see a better life for myself after that.TheUrbanFarmersWife reply
My 14 year old godson is actually my biological child. About 16 years ago, I disappeared in the middle of the night to start a new life away from my toxic family and went no contact with them for 3 years. I ended up getting pregnant from a one night stand. I was homeless at the time so keeping my son was not an option. My ex-best friend and her husband had been struggling to start a family of their own so they offered to adopt my child. Plot twist: My husband and I currently have custody of my child and his 4 siblings. Their parents are in jail for domestic violence and child neglect. EDIT: Holy bananas! I did not expect this to blow up. I want to clarity a few things: 1. My son does not know I am his biological mother but we plan to tell him soon. My husband and I plan to petition to adopt him and his siblings. Our lawyer warned us that his parentage would come up during the process. I want my son to hear it from me. He is currently battling PTSD due to the incident that brought the kids into our care. We are working with his therapist to find the best way to tell him the truth without causing him more trauma. He mental health is our top priority. 2. My ex-friend has endometriosis which affects fertility. Pregnancy can put endometriosis into remission for some women. She was one of the lucky ones. Once in remission, she had no trouble conceiving the other 4 kids. 3. My husband and I are raising 10 children. We are in the process of adopting my 12 year old cousin and took custody of her two older sisters last week. We also have a set of biological 1 year old twins. Eighteen months ago, we had **zero** kids.Hey Pandas, What Are Some Plant Care Tips You Learned That You Feel Everyone Should Know?
Patience , patience and more patience with Bonsai plant. I had to learn to leave it alone . It's thriving now. 👍Hey Pandas, What Are Some Plant Care Tips You Learned That You Feel Everyone Should Know?
A lot of green indoors plants like if you shower them, especially if they've been without water for a while. It also helps getting rid off dust and other stuff that's stuck on themHey Pandas, What Are Some Plant Care Tips You Learned That You Feel Everyone Should Know?
Rose shrubs leave an enzyme in the soil that thwarts competition from other roses, because they are aggressive about water. So, if you dig up a rose shrub, you either have to remove the soil about 2 feet around the hole, or plant a different sort of plant there - not another rose. An alternative is to leave the ground fallow for a couple of years to give the enzyme time to dissipate. I didn't know this and moved my rose shrubs around like furniture, then wondered why they just couldn't seem to thrive, no matter how much care I gave them. Some of them recovered when I learned about their competitive enzymes and planted them in soil that had not had a rose shrub planted in it before.Hey Pandas, What Are Some Plant Care Tips You Learned That You Feel Everyone Should Know?
A garden is in a constant cycle of birth, death, and change. Seedlings come up everywhere, deer will eat your hostas. Don't get upset, go with the flow. You will have plants that thrive where you put them and reward you with beauty. It's all worth it.Hey Pandas, What Are Some Plant Care Tips You Learned That You Feel Everyone Should Know?
You don't "water" orchids, you soak the media (bark chips, moss, etc.) then drain. Your phal or dendro you bought at the hardware or grocery store almost certainly has a plastic liner with drainage inside the decorative ceramic pot. Don't just pour water in every week, you'll literally drown it! Fill it up, let sit for 2-5 minutes, then remove the inner liner (containing plant), let drain, and dump the water in the ceramic pot and replace the liner. Only needs to be done once a week. I've had so many people complain they can't keep a phalaenopsis (most commonly sold in grocery/hardware stores, what most people think of when they picture "orchid") alive, but they're sooo easy if you don't water them like a regular terrestrial plant!Hey Pandas, What Are Some Plant Care Tips You Learned That You Feel Everyone Should Know?
For outside plants~ compost and mulch are two of the greatest helpers. ▪︎Homemade compost is worth it's weight in gold, it benefits all things from plants to the soil and it's so easy to do. If you're not making you're own compost simply do a little research on 'composting at home,' follow directions and make it happen. Especially if you have children and are planning to grow a food garden, participating in the full plant circle of life deepens the understanding and appreciation of all that goes into growing and all the rewards of eating a real and good earth food for humans. The true gift of producing food in your backyard is an undeniable connection to our life in the past and the history of human's existence on this earth. ▪︎Natural, aged hardwood mulch applied to flower beds, landscaping and around tree bases makes a massive positive difference in your plants health and looks great too. When mulch is applied to plant beds and tree bases it helps the soil underneath retain water during the hottest part of summer and keeps plant's roots from freezing to death during cold winter months.Hey Pandas, What Are Some Plant Care Tips You Learned That You Feel Everyone Should Know?
Cacti and succulents don't need much water, but that DOESN'T mean you just mist them or give them a tiny bit of water. They've evolved for periods of drought followed by heavy downpour. When you water them water until water pours out the bottom of the pot, then give them time to dry out fully before the next time.Hey Pandas, What Are Some Plant Care Tips You Learned That You Feel Everyone Should Know?
If you go into someone's residence and they don't have any plants, do not get them any surprise ones on the grounds that it will "look better". Chances are, if they don't have plants, it's because they don't want them or can't spend the necessary time on them. I had friends staying who bought me a pot plant as a thank you, because I didn't have any. If you do that, like them, you're just condemning the plants to die.Hey Pandas, What Are Some Plant Care Tips You Learned That You Feel Everyone Should Know?
It is better to sin for not watering than for watering too often. Also, try to find plants that are adapted to your climate, if they are native even better. That way it is more likely that they survive, and you won't need to take care of them as often.Show All 38 Upvotes
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SpiderLilySaber • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Plant Care Tips You Learned That You Feel Everyone Should Know?
You don't "water" orchids, you soak the media (bark chips, moss, etc.) then drain. Your phal or dendro you bought at the hardware or grocery store almost certainly has a plastic liner with drainage inside the decorative ceramic pot. Don't just pour water in every week, you'll literally drown it! Fill it up, let sit for 2-5 minutes, then remove the inner liner (containing plant), let drain, and dump the water in the ceramic pot and replace the liner. Only needs to be done once a week. I've had so many people complain they can't keep a phalaenopsis (most commonly sold in grocery/hardware stores, what most people think of when they picture "orchid") alive, but they're sooo easy if you don't water them like a regular terrestrial plant!Keepdreamingkiddo reply
I was in a Long distance relationship with someone from another country for 2 years. I would travel nearly every month to visit them or they would come to me. They had no idea when they messaged me, I was sometimes out of the country, either in their country or on a trip somewhere else. I was living a completely different life that barely anyone knew about. Edit: It’s been interesting to read some other peoples similar experiences. A lot of people are also experiencing this due to culture, religion or families not supporting. My reason was a little different. I had come out of a relationship with a very abusive and dangerous person. He had completely embedded themselves in my family’s life and when I finally left them, I lost my family with it. I moved to the next town over and kept contact with my parents but all information about daily life was hidden. I built a life slowly, and part of that was a solo trip abroad, where I met someone. I was far too terrified to tell them the truth about what had happened with my ex. I didn’t think they’d believe me and I didn’t want them to know. My parents eventually cut ties with him but my brother stayed friends with him after. I went NC with my brother for 4 years in total. I was so scared my ex would find out and come looking for me due to jealousy that the relationship was kept a secret from most people I knew, including my parents in case they let something slip to my brother. I have left the country now for good, and I’m sure there’s people who I have some degree of connection to, that have no idea I ever left. I’ve always been someone that has kept their cards close to their chest, and life circumstances have contributed to that greatly.Neko_Nek0 reply
I have no idea who I am. Like physically or mentally. My family thinks I'm a strong willed guy who loves certain things. But it isn't like that at all. I'm nothing like that and I don't feel like I know myself who I am. It's like I'm an actor in mutiple plays and have a certain different character for each individual interaction and situation. To be honest, I don't even know what my real personality is like. Edit: thank you all for the kind comments and help, I really appreciate this! Not to worry this isn't that bad, I'm fine. Just wanted to share this feeling/experiencektward007 reply
I was SAed from 11-16 by my “cousin” and I reported at 17. No one believed me. Half even blame me. Even my father has a familiar relationship with the guy.AndrogynousRain reply
So…. My brother and I saw Aliens as a kid and we were super intrigued by the flame throwers. In a feat of idiotic 13 year old brilliance, we determined that a super soaker filled with aquanet with a butane lighter strapped to the front might actually work the same. To our utter shock, it did. Shot twenty foot streams of sticky flame. We were just overjoyed. Until said sticky flame hit the side of the house and caught it on fire. Oh s**t! So we race over and between my shirt and the hose get it out, but there’s a large dark spot on the side of the house. So we disassemble and clean out the flamethrower and mums the word. Thirty years later, we’re eating dinner over at the folks, and dad remarks they’ve painted the house and ‘finally got rid of that weird dark spot’. Much stealthy chortling ensued. Honestly. How do kids survive childhood? We’re all idiots.TheUrbanFarmersWife reply
My 14 year old godson is actually my biological child. About 16 years ago, I disappeared in the middle of the night to start a new life away from my toxic family and went no contact with them for 3 years. I ended up getting pregnant from a one night stand. I was homeless at the time so keeping my son was not an option. My ex-best friend and her husband had been struggling to start a family of their own so they offered to adopt my child. Plot twist: My husband and I currently have custody of my child and his 4 siblings. Their parents are in jail for domestic violence and child neglect. EDIT: Holy bananas! I did not expect this to blow up. I want to clarity a few things: 1. My son does not know I am his biological mother but we plan to tell him soon. My husband and I plan to petition to adopt him and his siblings. Our lawyer warned us that his parentage would come up during the process. I want my son to hear it from me. He is currently battling PTSD due to the incident that brought the kids into our care. We are working with his therapist to find the best way to tell him the truth without causing him more trauma. He mental health is our top priority. 2. My ex-friend has endometriosis which affects fertility. Pregnancy can put endometriosis into remission for some women. She was one of the lucky ones. Once in remission, she had no trouble conceiving the other 4 kids. 3. My husband and I are raising 10 children. We are in the process of adopting my 12 year old cousin and took custody of her two older sisters last week. We also have a set of biological 1 year old twins. Eighteen months ago, we had **zero** kids.BurrSugar reply
I had a miscarriage on my 17th birthday. I had found out I was pregnant 3 days after my HS boyfriend and I had broken up when my sister caught him f*****g my best friend. I didn’t tell anyone I was pregnant, except him. I hadn’t figured out what I was going to do yet, or how to tell them. Turned out to not matter, because 2 weeks later, again, on my birthday, I woke up in incredible pain and my bed was just covered in blood. I was home alone, so I just called my ex to take me to the hospital and never said a word to anyone in my family. He and the girl he cheated on me with showed up, and she cleaned up the bed while he drove me to the hospital. I had already passed the fetus - she found it. It messed me up for a long time, and I tried to kill myself not long after that. My family does know about that, but they assumed it was a combination of my anxiety meds and my breakup. Those were factors, but the miscarriage was a big factor, too. ETA: Thank you everyone for the kind words. This was nearly 15 years ago now, and I’d say I’be healed now. I still think about it from time to time, think about how I’d have a teenager by now, and how different my life would be (I came out as gay about 5 years later, started dating a woman and moved across the country with her, later marrying her. We have no children). I’m grateful that I could heal and see a better life for myself after that.Independent-Ad-1921 reply
I gave $10k to a woman overseas I met online so she could leave Egypt and study in Germany, despite being pretty broke at the time. She did actually go study in Germany and I met her there. A few years later she paid me back. And yes there was a bit of romance at one point (long after the loan) but it didn't last long. I should also mention we are the same age. We're still close.Least-Designer7976 reply
Self-harm. And that the only reason I didn't end myself between 11 and 17 was because I'm an only child and I was sure my mom would never survive. It's pretty damn awful to discover that you can actually not survive but just live also for yourself. And have real pleasure. That life can be enjoyable. Edit : a bit horrified by how quick the number of likes is increasing ... If anyone of you need it ; I love you, I give you a hug, I hope you enjoy your day and that you didn't forgot to drink and eat. Am your SH godmother and no, you didn't deserved to be so worry that you were afraid for the feelings of the adults surrounding you as a child. NEVER. You deserved to be helped and to live a normal childhood. If anyone wants to talk, come to my DM. 876 days free from SH, so I can hear pretty anything. EDIT 2 : I would have loved to create a kinda AA equivalent for the mental issues : depression, suicide, anxiety, bipolarity ... When I see how many people want to talk, I really feel like it would be worthy. EDIT 3 : Following the advice of a fellow Redditer, I created an AngelsAnonymous community to let a free space for anyone to talk about any mental issue you have, or any mark year you want to celebrate. I absolutely don't know how to share it ^^' but it's written r/AngelsAnonymous . I'm going to try to create a few groups to talk in. Feel free to come in, you're safe there <3 EDIT 4 : I insist, everyone is welcome on r/AngelsAnonymous ; no matter what you need, how you feel, what happened to you, we are all little angels trying to help each other. I can't make it live on my own, speak on it, do your own post, that's OUR family safe space. EDIT 5 : I'm amazed by the dozen of people who came to me to talk about their stories. Yet a lot of people are member without writing anything. Write. Tell. Express yourself. It's a free space and no one may judge you in it. You're worthy of respect and you deserve to be heard.VodkaKahluaMilkCream reply
My family has no idea that I had an abortion when I was 23. They would never, ever forgive me. Edit: I have no guilt or regret over my decision. If forgiveness was ever needed, I gave it to myself a long time ago. However, it would not be worth the headache I would get from my deeply right-wing family if they ever found out. All they ever need to know is that my mom thought i was pregnant and it turned out I wasn't. Second edit: instead of giving awards to this post please give money to pro-choice charities. I know what it is to be pregnant and desperate for options. There is nothing okay with denying that choice to others.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
SpiderLilySaber • 1 follower