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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
BillTheRaptor • upvoted 23 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Confusing Paradox You've Ever Thought Of?
Natural light can be in all colors except from black, right? I mean not the normal black light, but like… literal color black light. Dunno if this counts as more as a paradox or a brain cell blip, so here is another one: if I say ‘I am lying about this sentence’Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Confusing Paradox You've Ever Thought Of?
For me it will always be the grandfather paradox. And the butterfly effect as well. I've spend way to long thinking about these. One personal one tho is panphobia, the fear of everything. It just confuses me cus how do you live if every thing causes you to have extreme anxiety?Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Confusing Paradox You've Ever Thought Of?
When you're scared of being alone, you're actually scared of not being alone, so really you're scared of thinking you're alone when you are not alone but you think you're scared of what you really, truly aren't scared of at all.Show All 23 Upvotes
BillTheRaptor • commented on 16 posts 1 year ago
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BillTheRaptor • submitted a new post 1 year ago
BillTheRaptor • submitted 2 new posts 1 year ago
BillTheRaptor • submitted a new post 2 years ago
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BillTheRaptor • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
BillTheRaptor • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Confusing Paradox You've Ever Thought Of?
Natural light can be in all colors except from black, right? I mean not the normal black light, but like… literal color black light. Dunno if this counts as more as a paradox or a brain cell blip, so here is another one: if I say ‘I am lying about this sentence’Hey Pandas, What Was The Most Confusing Paradox You've Ever Thought Of?
For me it will always be the grandfather paradox. And the butterfly effect as well. I've spend way to long thinking about these. One personal one tho is panphobia, the fear of everything. It just confuses me cus how do you live if every thing causes you to have extreme anxiety?This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
BillTheRaptor • 1 follower