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freakingbee (she/they)
Community Member
“there’s a time and a place for being normal. for most people, normal is their default setting. but for some, like you and me, normal is something we have to bring out, like putting on a suit for a posh dinner.”-tori spring, solitaire.
The time I went to the zoo with my mum and we were looking at the alpacas and they were making a funny noise that we started to repeat back to it quite loudly. Turning around to see a disabled man in his wheelchair making the noise and his carer standing next to him looking at us.
I still think about that time in college when I coughed a little too hard and some kid ran up behind me and performed the heimlich on me. When he set me down everyone started clapping so I couldn't tell him I wasn't really choking so I thanked him and shook his hand instead.