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Hey Pandas, If You Live In New Zealand, What Are Your Thoughts On The Country's High Rates Of Domestic Violence?
Newsflash: Ram raids are common. Gang patches are getting banned and people are getting put in prison. The high violence is really bad, considering the fact a real estate agent got murdered and police only found her body a year later. SO many murder stories. NZ is nice, but sometimes you have to be cautious.
Hey Pandas, If You Live In New Zealand, What Are Your Thoughts On The Country's High Rates Of Domestic Violence?
Newsflash: Ram raids are common. Gang patches are getting banned and people are getting put in prison. The high violence is really bad, considering the fact a real estate agent got murdered and police only found her body a year later. SO many murder stories. NZ is nice, but sometimes you have to be cautious.
Hey Pandas, If You Live In New Zealand, What Are Your Thoughts On The Country's High Rates Of Domestic Violence?
Hey Pandas, If You Live In New Zealand, What Are Your Thoughts On The Country's High Rates Of Domestic Violence?
Newsflash: Ram raids are common. Gang patches are getting banned and people are getting put in prison. The high violence is really bad, considering the fact a real estate agent got murdered and police only found her body a year later. SO many murder stories. NZ is nice, but sometimes you have to be cautious.