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A Random Panda
Community Member
Hi folks.Why the heck are you looking at my profile? I mean, If you want to, you can, I guess. So anyways, welcome! I probably have no clue who you are, but I guess that's kinda the point of looking at my profile, huh? I'm a person who can't finish what they start a lot of times. That sucks, but hey! I'm working on it. I'm a travel addict and my favorite place to go to is probably Japan. Not like I don't like my homeland that I won't tell you the name of. I have a dog named Hoku who is dumb but adorable, probably the epitome of dogginess. But I'm getting off track. I like reading, playing video games (the only ones I play frequently are Happy home designer and Tomodachi life currently), and creating WAY too many OCs. I have an attention span that if you had, you would NOT be bragging about, and I also like to do evil sciencey stuff in my bedroom (I got the master bedroom because it's actually not the biggest one. It's only the master because of the bathroom. Our house is weird.) and stuff. Kudos if you read my excessively long bio on me and my sixth grade butt. Bye!