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Eburi - chan
Community Member
3 posts
111 points
this panda is pansexual and loves cats, anime, stranger things, youtube and writing + reading books.
Eburi - chan • commented on 29 posts 2 years ago
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Eburi - chan • upvoted 10 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, Whats Your Saddest Childhood Memory
I watched my dog get run over and there was nothing I could do. My mom was standing at the open front door, talking to a neighbor in his car. He moved the car forward just as my dog spotted a squirrel across the street. The dog ripped out of the house at just as the car was moving, at the exact wrong moment. Our neighbor brought the dog into the house and I kept saying “mommy! She’s moving, mommy!” And my mom had to explain it was part of the dying process. Our neighbor felt so bad, but really, it was an intersection of events. Took me years to get over it.Show All 10 Upvotes
Eburi - chan • started following a person 2 years ago
Eburi - chan • submitted 3 new posts 2 years ago
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Eburi - chan • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Eburi - chan • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Eburi - chan • is following 2 people
Eburi - chan • 1 follower