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Roo Bear
Community Member
1 posts
18 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Roo Bear • commented on a post 2 years ago
Roo Bear • upvoted 9 items 2 years ago
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Roo Bear • started following a person 2 years ago
Roo Bear • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Roo Bear • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Roo Bear • upvoted 18 items 3 years ago
Spooky Short Horror Stories That You Shouldn't Read After Dark
Please, take me instead! I scream, grabbing at the two men who took my child. “Sorry ma’am, children only” they said, as they continue loading up the last lifeboat on the ship.Short Two Sentence Horror Stories
I texted a stranger by accident. But when they texted me back, they used my full name.Short Two Sentence Horror Stories
I once had a girlfriend named Jill, I buried her under that hill. But sometimes at home, when I’m all alone, I find that she sleeps with me still.Short Two Sentence Horror Stories
I like to sing in the shower sometimes. When I got out of the last one, the fogged-up mirror read “YOU HAVE A LOVELY VOICE” — I live alone.Two Sentence Horror Stories
If you get scared at night, don’t keep your eyes closed for too long. There’s a reason you’re scared, and now you can’t see it approach.Two Sentence Horror Stories
Spend 24 hours locked in the old insane asylum and win a million dollars. It's been 26 hours, so why is the door still locked?Two Sentence Horror Stories
After I asked the crystal ball to tell me how to escape death, I was very confused as it read, 'No thanks honey, I'm full.' However, something clicked in my head when my wife offered me cake after dinner.Two Sentence Horror Stories
Did you know that there's no such thing as a 'left-handed' person? There is your kind, and then there are those of us who escaped from the other side of your mirror.Two Sentence Horror Stories
My four-year-old said he wished that people didn't have to knock. I told him about doorbells, and he asked me to install one on his window.Show All 18 Upvotes
Roo Bear • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Roo Bear • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Roo Bear • commented on a post 2 years ago
Roo Bear • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Two Sentence Horror Stories
Yesterday I wrote the number 69 on my wrist as a joke. Today it's 68, and now it's not washing off.Short Two Sentence Horror Stories
I texted a stranger by accident. But when they texted me back, they used my full name.Two Sentence Horror Stories
If you get scared at night, don’t keep your eyes closed for too long. There’s a reason you’re scared, and now you can’t see it approach.Two Sentence Horror Stories
Spend 24 hours locked in the old insane asylum and win a million dollars. It's been 26 hours, so why is the door still locked?Short Two Sentence Horror Stories
I like to sing in the shower sometimes. When I got out of the last one, the fogged-up mirror read “YOU HAVE A LOVELY VOICE” — I live alone. Roo Bear • is following a person
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