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Alex the great
Community Member
1 posts
167 points
My name is Alex and I’m a just a random middle schooler who wanted to post stuff and make friends. I do lots of art and I sing.
Alex the great • commented on 28 posts 1 year ago
Show All 28 Comments
Alex the great • upvoted 11 items 1 year ago
MildColonialMan reply
The c**t made a point of belittling me every single day for a year because my interests were different from the mainstream in a small town. Nothing whacky either, I was into pop culture (like nina turtles and simpsons, etc) in a place where there was no culture outside football for boys or netball (or just being quiet) for girls. I'm over 40 now, and I still go back to that town a few times a year, and that old prick is lucky I haven't got my revenge now that the tables of relative strength have turned. Also, he used to wave his mushroom d**k around in the change rooms when we had swimming carivals. Like every time.Show All 11 Upvotes
Alex the great • started following a person 1 year ago
Alex the great • submitted a new post 1 year ago
Alex the great • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago
Alex the great • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Alex the great • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
MildColonialMan reply
The c**t made a point of belittling me every single day for a year because my interests were different from the mainstream in a small town. Nothing whacky either, I was into pop culture (like nina turtles and simpsons, etc) in a place where there was no culture outside football for boys or netball (or just being quiet) for girls. I'm over 40 now, and I still go back to that town a few times a year, and that old prick is lucky I haven't got my revenge now that the tables of relative strength have turned. Also, he used to wave his mushroom d**k around in the change rooms when we had swimming carivals. Like every time. Alex the great • 3 followers