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Hi Pandas!She/HerI love the sense of community on here, and I just spend time laying in bed on bored panda. I like snakes, cats and books! Have a blessed day! :)My profile picture is my cat Opal!
A small kid (7-8 years old) answered the door
Usually, when kids answer the door for pizza it sucks because their parents don’t tell them to tip or how to tip on a receipt. Well a little boy answered the door for a delivery I took the other day, he was really young, like 7 or 8. Had on a bright red shirt with a dinosaur and everything. He proceeds to hand me an extra five and says “Keep the change” and when I say thank you he waves it off. I hand him his pizzas and he inhales like he’s smelling them and says “This is going to be great after the day I had.”
TLDR: I think I delivered pizza to a 2nd grader with a stressful job and a mortgage.
Constant_Ad_8477 reply
One supervisor yelled at me for eating candy in front of her. I’m a T1D and needed the sugar or else I’d faint. She got strike 2 of 3 and was removed as my supervisor. A new one was assigned to my sector. I should’ve just fainted and got worker comp. and her a*s fired.Police Dog Retires After Nearly A Decade Of Service, Heartwarming Video Is Spreading Online
Nexus6Leon reply
My sweet, beautiful, loving wife is an Irish immigrant. She's only been here in the US for 6 years and still has moments of culture shock. Mainly with how rude people can be in public. A woman approached us at the grocery store as we were discussing dinner, and told her the classic "you need to speak english". Yes, my wife can be difficult to understand, and it can sound like she's speaking some sort of dark orcish language. So my wife removes the bottle of drain cleaner from our cart and told this woman to go drink it, and suggested mixing it with diet coke to make it go down. Security was called, I was a mix of mortified, and proud, and my wife made a comment about "years of bloody war and terrorism, and she thought I'd just roll over like some helpless b***h". Ps, security did not remove anybody from the store, but the other woman was told in no uncertain terms that she was not allowed to harass other customers if she would like to be allowed to shop there in the future. My wife saw me typing this, and said "you tell em' I'll do it again".Tales-From-Pizza-Guy
A small kid (7-8 years old) answered the door
Usually, when kids answer the door for pizza it sucks because their parents don’t tell them to tip or how to tip on a receipt. Well a little boy answered the door for a delivery I took the other day, he was really young, like 7 or 8. Had on a bright red shirt with a dinosaur and everything. He proceeds to hand me an extra five and says “Keep the change” and when I say thank you he waves it off. I hand him his pizzas and he inhales like he’s smelling them and says “This is going to be great after the day I had.”
TLDR: I think I delivered pizza to a 2nd grader with a stressful job and a mortgage.