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Mr Ashley Turner
Community Member
Two Fat Blokes Bar Sign Emporium - It's what it says on the tin, Two rotund guys who love beer, bars and signs. Matt and myself (Ash) make and design them for the growing army of garden bars and pubs. Everything we design is exclusive to us and designed in house. All our manufacturing is done in the Black Country in our own wee print shop.
Were rated ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ on Google & Facebook. Our signs are all made using 3mm aluminum composite, waterproof and UV proof.
We are the only bar sign makers who give our signs a full five year warranty for outdoor use, They won't peel or fade guaranteed.
Together we make a great team. From our shed to yours, we’re ready to supply, design and manufacture the very best, authentic home bar signage.