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artwench Shawn Crawford
Community Member
Hi Pandas🐼🐼🐼!
I stumbled across this site (yes, I’m quite clumsy.) & checked it out because of the freakin’ adorable title!😐🐼❤️ I’m extremely ADHD so may not remember to come back and check on stories like I should but I love this concept! 80HD is a creative😇blessing and an annoying👿curse.
I am a former ✂️art🖍teacher🎨, an🖌artist, a children’s📚author and Freelance📝writer who lives🏡 with her youngest son, his girlfriend, 2 kittens, 1 cat, their playful pup, and my two dogs: Lyla, a sweet tempered silver Wab and BMO, the notorious P.U.G. I recently started drawing and painting 🐶pet🐱portraits🖼 again for the first time in years so I thought I’d post one and see who else has their own pets immortalized out there to show off!