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*insert funny name*
Community Member
1 posts
843 points
You must be very bored to be reading this. You should go do something. Wow you are still here. You must really have nothing to do. I honestly don't think anyone will ever read this, so I don't now why I am still typing this. Seriously your still here. You deserve an award for reading this far. Honestly I have nothing better to do than this :(
*insert funny name* • upvoted an item 2 years ago
*insert funny name* • upvoted 34 items 3 years ago
How about not giving your child a name? There was a kid I went to high school with whose legal first name was "Unnamed Baby Boy". I don't know the story behind that though.Flirting-Techniques-That-Worked-Reddit
We’d met previously and he was trying to get out of the friend zone quickly . I told him I was too busy to date. He offered to hang out with me while I plowed through a ton of errands including an oil change, getting gas, returning shoes, picking up cleaning, and blowing up balloons for a party. It was so nice to have support of me being me and me doing stuff and it was nice low key no pressure hanging out to get to know each other. I was so busy that day I forgot to eat lunch and he got me a donut and coffee. I married him.Flirting-Techniques-That-Worked-Reddit
Not sure if this counts as flirting, but he read my favourite book just so we’d have something in common to talk aboutShow All 34 Upvotes
*insert funny name* • commented on 5 posts 3 years ago
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*insert funny name* • submitted a new post 3 years ago
*insert funny name* • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
*insert funny name* • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
*insert funny name* • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
*insert funny name* • is following 3 people
*insert funny name* • 28 followers