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Annette V
Community Member
1 posts
554 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Annette V • upvoted 32 items 1 year ago
KnittinAndBitchin reply
On a red eye flight, everyone was asleep but I can't sleep on planes. A few rows behind me a girl started screaming "mama!? MAMA!?" The flight attendants walked over, then ran back. Then ran over holding a defibrillator. Then walked the hysterical girl, looked to be about a teenager, to the front of the plane. Then walked back with blankets. When the plane landed no one was allowed to move. A stretcher came on board and wheeled the blanket covered body out. The sobbing girl followed behind. I can't imagine losing a parent on a flight, with nowhere to go and no way to contact anyone else for help, surrounded by nosy strangers in tight quarters.Show All 32 Upvotes
Annette V • commented on 8 posts 1 year ago
Show All 8 Comments
Annette V • submitted a new post 2 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Annette V • commented on 13 posts 1 year ago
Annette V • commented on 7 posts 2 years ago
Annette V • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
KnittinAndBitchin reply
On a red eye flight, everyone was asleep but I can't sleep on planes. A few rows behind me a girl started screaming "mama!? MAMA!?" The flight attendants walked over, then ran back. Then ran over holding a defibrillator. Then walked the hysterical girl, looked to be about a teenager, to the front of the plane. Then walked back with blankets. When the plane landed no one was allowed to move. A stretcher came on board and wheeled the blanket covered body out. The sobbing girl followed behind. I can't imagine losing a parent on a flight, with nowhere to go and no way to contact anyone else for help, surrounded by nosy strangers in tight quarters.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Annette V • 13 followers