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Anne Jones
Community Member
I am a hardworking panda who hates snowflakes.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Unusual Patient You’ve Ever Handled?
Years ago when I was a nurse, a very elderly lady was an in patient for some problem (I’ve forgotten what). She had a lovely family, quite big, daughters, sons, grandkids etc.
She was a sweet lady but whenever she was alone with a female nurse she would grab their breasts and squeeze them and make burbling noise like when you tickle a baby.
Hey Pandas, What's Something Someone Did Or Said Recently That Made You Think, 'Seriously'? (Closed)
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Unusual Patient You’ve Ever Handled?
Years ago when I was a nurse, a very elderly lady was an in patient for some problem (I’ve forgotten what). She had a lovely family, quite big, daughters, sons, grandkids etc.
She was a sweet lady but whenever she was alone with a female nurse she would grab their breasts and squeeze them and make burbling noise like when you tickle a baby.