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1 posts
77 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
AnnaBananaBelle • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
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AnnaBananaBelle • upvoted 25 items 2 years ago
60 Most Expensive Things Children Accidentally Ruined As Shared In This Reddit Thread
"A good night's sleep."What Was A Word You Misunderstood As A Child?
I once thought "virgin" meant a woman who hasn't been married yet. One day, my teacher got married and I said, "I guess you're not a virgin anymore..." She then emailed my parents and straightened it out.I Asked Taco Bell For As Much Fire And Diablo Sauce As They Could Legally Give Me...they Were Laughing So Hard When They Handed Me The Bag
Revolutionary_War503 reply
As a father, things I've tried to teach my daughter to be aware of are subtle manipulations. In a healthy relationship there is no "let" as in, letting you do stuff or asking for permission. Watch for subtle controlling, passive aggressive comments or remarks. If he attempts to drive a wedge between you and your friends or family, move on. Watch and listen to how he treats other people. If you don't have self respect, he won't treat you with respect. If he doesn't call for days then acts like it's no big deal, move on. If he's clingy, definitely move on. Having a victim mentality attracts predatory, abusive behavior. If anyone treats you less than how you feel you deserve, it is imperative you deal with it early and quickly. If there's no meaningful communication or compromise, don't waste your time. Life is too short to deal with a possessive, jealous, controlling, manipulative, emotionally stunted or wrecked man. You can't fix people. Protect yourself and move on with your life without that person and don't look back. It's ok. Breakups are tough when you've invested your time and heart but you'll be better off alone than with someone like that. If he scares you, come to your dad's house. If he's smart, he won't follow you here.cashformoldd reply
I’ve seen stories of guys who rage and break their things when gaming. As someone who has been playing video games for about 20 years now, that is not normal nor is it okay. Like swearing sure, that’s understandable, but getting angry and breaking stuff ain’t it. It’s just violent behavior and a red flag.Jack3715 reply
So about his last 3 relationships and why they ended. If it is always the girl was crazy - it’s him, hes crazyShow All 25 Upvotes
AnnaBananaBelle • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago
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AnnaBananaBelle • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
AnnaBananaBelle • submitted a new post 2 years ago
AnnaBananaBelle • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
AnnaBananaBelle • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
AnnaBananaBelle • upvoted 4 items 1 year ago
AnnaBananaBelle • upvoted 16 items 2 years ago
I Told My BF I’m Only Into Caesar Salad For The Toppings… He Hooked Me Up!! I Actually Had To Remove Some Of It Lol
His Request Said "Please Extra Champignons I Will Pay Extra Please Totally Overdo It For The Mother Of Champignons"
I Asked Taco Bell For As Much Fire And Diablo Sauce As They Could Legally Give Me...they Were Laughing So Hard When They Handed Me The Bag
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AnnaBananaBelle • 1 follower