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#AnimalLover 2024
Community Member
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
MerryMelody-Symphony reply
I talked about this before and will until the end of days because this man deserves to be shamed.
A 23 year-old man, who had the right to vote, who had a driving license, who had a job, and could get married and start a family...
Like, the moon, Earth's natural satellite, was being hung on the sky like... a painting on a wall?
I'm still reeling over that one. This man had gone to school, had a formal education and was actually going to college. He *learned* about that in primary school!
And the kicker? I was the one to explain it to him, because I was his girlfriend at the time.
And let me tell you, things unraveled real fast when I started paying attention and saw through the smokescreen.
Dude was willfully ignorant, and bone-dead stupid on top of it. He was really, really good at hiding it.
I dropped him like the mess he was and dived into more and more books to compensate the loss of brain matter I suffered from going out with him.
There’s nothing wrong with shedding old relationships as you grow and change.Valuable-Life-Advice-Old-People
Do one thing that challenges your mind every single day. A crossword puzzle, math problem, anything. Daily “exercise” will keep your mind sharp for the long haul.Valuable-Life-Advice-Old-People
Stubborn pride is the downfall of many men and women. Learn to forget the slight hurts and avoid grudges.Valuable-Life-Advice-Old-People
If there's something bothering you, ask yourself whether it will matter in one month. If not, let it go right now.Valuable-Life-Advice-Old-People
Never let a good friendship atrophy. Send the text, make the call, plan the trip. Good friendships must be treasured.Valuable-Life-Advice-Old-People
You may occasionally disappoint others, but make sure to never disappoint yourself.Valuable-Life-Advice-Old-People
Getting old is no picnic, but it's much better than the alternative.Valuable-Life-Advice-Old-People
If you’re going to lose a fight, make sure the other person thinks twice before fighting you again.Valuable-Life-Advice-Old-People
If something has a minor issue, repair it. Minor issues become major issues over time. Applies equally to love, friendships, health, and home.Valuable-Life-Advice-Old-People
Always remind yourself that your track record for making it through your bad days is perfect.Valuable-Life-Advice-Old-People
Time doesn't heal anything when it comes to relationships. Don't delay difficult conversations.MerryMelody-Symphony reply
I talked about this before and will until the end of days because this man deserves to be shamed.
A 23 year-old man, who had the right to vote, who had a driving license, who had a job, and could get married and start a family...
Like, the moon, Earth's natural satellite, was being hung on the sky like... a painting on a wall?
I'm still reeling over that one. This man had gone to school, had a formal education and was actually going to college. He *learned* about that in primary school!
And the kicker? I was the one to explain it to him, because I was his girlfriend at the time.
And let me tell you, things unraveled real fast when I started paying attention and saw through the smokescreen.
Dude was willfully ignorant, and bone-dead stupid on top of it. He was really, really good at hiding it.
I dropped him like the mess he was and dived into more and more books to compensate the loss of brain matter I suffered from going out with him.