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Jason Krygier-Baum
Community Member
For as long as I can remember I’ve always been fascinated by animals. I grew up in a house nicknamed ‘The Zoo’ for its abundance of furry, scaly, and feathered family members. I studied animal behavior at the University of Toronto, learning everything from the evolution of bird mating dances to the genetics of social insects. When I decided to pursue a career in photography I followed my passion and specialized in working with animals.
I live and work in Toronto Canada along with my studio dog Ella, my cats Walter and Hazel, and Stanley, the friendliest snake you’ll ever meet.
No creature is too big, too small, or too scaly for me. I’ve photographed countless dogs and cats, but am equally comfortable working with exotic animals like birds, snakes, and rabbits, and farm animals too, including horses, donkeys, and other livestock. I work in my Toronto studio and on location depending on the needs of my clients. A professional animal handler is always on set to help me achieve my creative goals and those of my clients.