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Yuki Li
Community Member
1 posts
1.7K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Yuki Li • commented on 18 posts 3 years ago
Show All 18 Comments
Yuki Li • upvoted 22 items 3 years ago
I met all 4 of my mom's boyfriends at her funeral. It was a surprise to them and myself.People-Share-Secrets-About-Passed-Away-Loved-Ones
My grandad was a farmer his whole life. Every animal loved him. We'd go to a new place and dogs would be coming straight to him, horses would cuddle with him. He just had a charm with them. When cleaning out his closet and digging in his pockets to make sure nothing of value was thrown in the wash, we found grains, bits of dried meats, dog treats, bits of old carrot (for the horses). Man's been bribing animals with food all this his life.Stupid-Things-Asked-Seriously
The Scene: Meeting some new people in a college class. I introduce myself, "Hi, I'm LoveIsLegallyBlind." New classmate: "Don't you mean DifferentNameThatSoundsALittleLikeMine?" Me: "No..." He thinks it's time to double down. "Are you sure? Why not?" Me: "Because that's not what my parents named me..." Like what? Who corrects someone on their own name? I have a somewhat unusual name. People misspell it or mispronounce it all the time, but this was special.Stupid-Things-Asked-Seriously
Someone was placing an order once at my family’s restaurant, and they had asked me for a side of French fries without the potatoes. I assumed she was joking, so I laughed...she wasn’t joking. She got offended and left the restaurantGiant Safety Pin Lamp I Made From Aluminium And 3D Printed Parts. It Turns Off When You Close The Pin And There's A Second Switch In The Point
I'm A Beekeeper And I Preserve Natural Pieces Of Honeycomb I Find Inside Hives With Resin Into Pendants And Art
Some Turquoise Glow Pieces I Made Using Precious Metals, Resin And Glow Pigment So It Absorbs Light To Emit Light
Show All 22 Upvotes
Yuki Li • submitted a new post 3 years ago
This Panda hasn't posted anything yet
Yuki Li • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Yuki Li • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
The Scene: Meeting some new people in a college class. I introduce myself, "Hi, I'm LoveIsLegallyBlind." New classmate: "Don't you mean DifferentNameThatSoundsALittleLikeMine?" Me: "No..." He thinks it's time to double down. "Are you sure? Why not?" Me: "Because that's not what my parents named me..." Like what? Who corrects someone on their own name? I have a somewhat unusual name. People misspell it or mispronounce it all the time, but this was special.Stupid-Things-Asked-Seriously
Someone was placing an order once at my family’s restaurant, and they had asked me for a side of French fries without the potatoes. I assumed she was joking, so I laughed...she wasn’t joking. She got offended and left the restaurantPeople-Share-Secrets-About-Passed-Away-Loved-Ones
I met all 4 of my mom's boyfriends at her funeral. It was a surprise to them and myself.People-Share-Secrets-About-Passed-Away-Loved-Ones
My grandad was a farmer his whole life. Every animal loved him. We'd go to a new place and dogs would be coming straight to him, horses would cuddle with him. He just had a charm with them. When cleaning out his closet and digging in his pockets to make sure nothing of value was thrown in the wash, we found grains, bits of dried meats, dog treats, bits of old carrot (for the horses). Man's been bribing animals with food all this his life.Some Turquoise Glow Pieces I Made Using Precious Metals, Resin And Glow Pigment So It Absorbs Light To Emit Light
I'm A Beekeeper And I Preserve Natural Pieces Of Honeycomb I Find Inside Hives With Resin Into Pendants And Art
Giant Safety Pin Lamp I Made From Aluminium And 3D Printed Parts. It Turns Off When You Close The Pin And There's A Second Switch In The Point
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