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Community Member
1 posts
4 points
I am a pencil & paper artist.
I am a student in digital art.
I have taken some very good photos in my time, both 35 mm [yes, I am that old] and digital.
I am fairly proficient in the kitchen s well.
I want to take a class in watercolors.
I want to take a class in sculpture.
I want to own a warehouse where my fellow artist could work on large scale projects that could no be made anywhere else.
I have dark sense of humor, but I abhor human or animal suffering. does that even make any sense?
Mike'sScribbles • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
Show All 6 Comments
Mike'sScribbles • started following 2 people 2 years ago
Mike'sScribbles • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Mike'sScribbles • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Mike'sScribbles • upvoted 5 items 2 years ago
Hey Panda's, What's Something Chaotic You Have Done Lately
I made a chaotic pen by putting different parts of other pens together. It only works if you use it a certain way, and there is no way to click it in and out. I give it to people to frustrate them. I'm very much a chaotic neutral.People-Share-Nicest-Stranger-Interaction
I was searching for a parking space in the city where parking spaces are rare. Just as I found one and set my blinker another guy coming from the other direction set his too. We looked at each other undecided for a moment, than I signaled a rock paper scissor game through my front window. He immediately understood and we played one round. He won the game so I still had no parking space, but the interaction made my day!Show All 5 Upvotes
Mike'sScribbles • upvoted an item 5 years ago
Mike'sScribbles • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Mike'sScribbles • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Mike'sScribbles • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
Mike'sScribbles • upvoted 6 items 2 years ago
I was searching for a parking space in the city where parking spaces are rare. Just as I found one and set my blinker another guy coming from the other direction set his too. We looked at each other undecided for a moment, than I signaled a rock paper scissor game through my front window. He immediately understood and we played one round. He won the game so I still had no parking space, but the interaction made my day! Mike'sScribbles • is following 2 people
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