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Heyyyy, I love Heathers the Musical (off-broadway) so I'm ALWAYS open to talk about it.
Hey Pandas, What Is A Random Fact You Know?
periods hurt like crazy. imagine getting a jackhammer in you.
Far_Tonyu reply
When i was in 4th grade , i put mustard in one of my friend's burger because he had told me that he hated mustard. turns out he was actually allergic. he didnt come to school or 3 days and i was scared that i k*lled him. to this date noone knows that i did it.
edit: wow so many upvotes that's cool. i would like to say that don't worry we r still on pretty good terms.
Far_Tonyu reply
When i was in 4th grade , i put mustard in one of my friend's burger because he had told me that he hated mustard. turns out he was actually allergic. he didnt come to school or 3 days and i was scared that i k*lled him. to this date noone knows that i did it.
edit: wow so many upvotes that's cool. i would like to say that don't worry we r still on pretty good terms.