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I love boba
Community Member
3 posts
50 points
pansexual, bad at drawing, loves star wars/marvel/pixar/disney, if you dont like boba then you can't be my friend(actually you totally can be my friend :)
I love boba • commented on 12 posts 2 years ago
Show All 12 Comments
I love boba • upvoted 6 items 2 years ago
Hey Lgbtq+ Pandas, What's Something Your Straight/Cis Friends Don't Understand?
That the fact that they say " what's the straight pride flag " is homophobic.Hey Lgbtq+ Pandas, What's Something Your Straight/Cis Friends Don't Understand?
Why even though I’m a trans guy I choose to wear dresses sometimes A friend of mine (a pan guy once wore a maid outfit to school) passed me while I was wearing a dress and goes “t h a t s n o t a l l o w e d” (playfully) but I know it confuses them My parents take it as a sign I’m not trans because to them dresses are only for girls Clothing doesn’t have gender and sometimes I feel better in dresses, okay?Hey Lgbtq+ Pandas, What's Something Your Straight/Cis Friends Don't Understand?
People who have never experienced gender dysphoria don't really understand what it feels likeShow All 6 Upvotes
I love boba • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
I love boba • submitted 3 new posts 2 years ago
Show All 3 Posts
I love boba • started following a person 2 years ago
I love boba • submitted 3 new posts 2 years ago
I love boba • submitted 5 list additions 2 years ago
I love boba • commented on 12 posts 2 years ago
I love boba • upvoted 6 items 2 years ago
Hey Lgbtq+ Pandas, What's Something Your Straight/Cis Friends Don't Understand?
That the fact that they say " what's the straight pride flag " is homophobic.Hey Lgbtq+ Pandas, What's Something Your Straight/Cis Friends Don't Understand?
Why even though I’m a trans guy I choose to wear dresses sometimes A friend of mine (a pan guy once wore a maid outfit to school) passed me while I was wearing a dress and goes “t h a t s n o t a l l o w e d” (playfully) but I know it confuses them My parents take it as a sign I’m not trans because to them dresses are only for girls Clothing doesn’t have gender and sometimes I feel better in dresses, okay? I love boba • is following a person
I love boba • 3 followers