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7 posts
276 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
urmotherwasahamster • commented on 7 posts 2 years ago
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urmotherwasahamster • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
urmotherwasahamster • upvoted 13 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Something Unexpected You Learned About Yourself?
During quarantine, I went from being homophobic to realizing that I'm nonbinary and pan. That... That was unexpected 💀Hey Pandas, What's Something Unexpected You Learned About Yourself?
Mid 40s and just diagnosed with adhd and autism. Gone from being super critical of myself to thinking I haven’t done so bad, given that I now realise it was never an even playing field. And my out of the box thinking is A grade. Silver linings 😁Show All 13 Upvotes
urmotherwasahamster • commented on 3 posts 3 years ago
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urmotherwasahamster • upvoted 16 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, How Do I Convince My Parents To Get A Cat?
Say that this year it has been a tough time and you would like a nice kitty as they cheer u up so HEKKIN much Or Say you will take care of it and properly do it’s cat chores or whatever so they don’t have to do any work Or Say some nice facts about cats that are really convincing and show them pics of cats that are too HEKKIN cute Or Ask to go to the humane society to look at pets and once you see a cat u want, BEG LIKE HEKK or Just ask them over and over and maybe if your birthday is anytime soon say “CAT” in huge bold letters/make it the only thing on your wishlist and maybe they will get you one. Good luck and hope you can get a cat Animals, Photography
I’ve Spent 5 Years Capturing Perfectly Timed Action Shots Of Animals In Nature (35 Pics)
Show All 16 Upvotes
urmotherwasahamster • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
urmotherwasahamster • submitted 19 list additions 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Abilities You Consider To Be Special, And If So, What Are They? (Closed)
urmotherwasahamster • commented on 7 posts 2 years ago
urmotherwasahamster • commented on 13 posts 3 years ago
urmotherwasahamster • upvoted 13 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Something Unexpected You Learned About Yourself?
During quarantine, I went from being homophobic to realizing that I'm nonbinary and pan. That... That was unexpected 💀Hey Pandas, What's Something Unexpected You Learned About Yourself?
In my 50s, I finally learned that I have Asperger's syndrome, and that my EQ is less than half my IQHey Pandas, What's Something Unexpected You Learned About Yourself?
Mid 40s and just diagnosed with adhd and autism. Gone from being super critical of myself to thinking I haven’t done so bad, given that I now realise it was never an even playing field. And my out of the box thinking is A grade. Silver linings 😁 urmotherwasahamster • upvoted 7 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, How Do I Convince My Parents To Get A Cat?
Say that this year it has been a tough time and you would like a nice kitty as they cheer u up so HEKKIN much Or Say you will take care of it and properly do it’s cat chores or whatever so they don’t have to do any work Or Say some nice facts about cats that are really convincing and show them pics of cats that are too HEKKIN cute Or Ask to go to the humane society to look at pets and once you see a cat u want, BEG LIKE HEKK or Just ask them over and over and maybe if your birthday is anytime soon say “CAT” in huge bold letters/make it the only thing on your wishlist and maybe they will get you one. Good luck and hope you can get a cat urmotherwasahamster • is following 2 people
urmotherwasahamster • 57 followers