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Frying Pan
Community Member
2 posts
1K points
Guys, I'm leaving! I wish I didn't have to, but I have so much to do over the summer. I'll probably come back eventually, probably. I'm going to miss this website so much!
Frying Pan • commented on 26 posts 2 years ago
Show All 26 Comments
Frying Pan • upvoted 14 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song/Book/Movie/Show/Game That Isn't Very Well-Known?
Movie: "What Dreams May Come", starring Robin Williams. One of my all-time favorites!40 Cringy And Embarrassing Ways Parents Let Others Know They're Expecting, As Shamed On This FB Page
Hey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song/Book/Movie/Show/Game That Isn't Very Well-Known?
I would recommend The Selection series and The Host. Both amazing booksHey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song/Book/Movie/Show/Game That Isn't Very Well-Known?
If you're into fantasy books, I would DEFINITELY read the Cruel Prince series and a book called carival. And yes that's how it's spelled. It so hard discribe what happens in carival but it's absolutely amazing. The Cruel Prince series is about 2 twin humans in a place called fairland or something like that and it's just amazingHey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song/Book/Movie/Show/Game That Isn't Very Well-Known?
Song: Troublesome 96 (2Pac) Game: Jelly No Puzzle. A simple made free game that looks like a kids game. After the first learning-levels it is getting hard as hell with the reoccuring thought of "this level is physically impossible to solve". One of the best puzzle games I have ever played. (BTW: If anyone knows simmilar puzzle games, please let me know.)Show All 14 Upvotes
Frying Pan • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Frying Pan • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Frying Pan • commented on 20 posts 2 years ago
Frying Pan • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song/Book/Movie/Show/Game That Isn't Very Well-Known?
Movie: "What Dreams May Come", starring Robin Williams. One of my all-time favorites!40 Cringy And Embarrassing Ways Parents Let Others Know They're Expecting, As Shamed On This FB Page
Hey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song/Book/Movie/Show/Game That Isn't Very Well-Known?
I would recommend The Selection series and The Host. Both amazing booksHey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song/Book/Movie/Show/Game That Isn't Very Well-Known?
If you're into fantasy books, I would DEFINITELY read the Cruel Prince series and a book called carival. And yes that's how it's spelled. It so hard discribe what happens in carival but it's absolutely amazing. The Cruel Prince series is about 2 twin humans in a place called fairland or something like that and it's just amazingHey Pandas, What's Your Favorite Song/Book/Movie/Show/Game That Isn't Very Well-Known?
Song: Troublesome 96 (2Pac) Game: Jelly No Puzzle. A simple made free game that looks like a kids game. After the first learning-levels it is getting hard as hell with the reoccuring thought of "this level is physically impossible to solve". One of the best puzzle games I have ever played. (BTW: If anyone knows simmilar puzzle games, please let me know.)This British Facebook Page Is Sharing 40 Pictures That Prove 'Random' Is A Daily Thing On 'The Tube'
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