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Claire Elizabeth
Community Member
12 posts
706 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Claire Elizabeth • upvoted an item 1 year ago
Claire Elizabeth • upvoted 37 items 2 years ago
Animals, Photography
I'm A Mother Of 11 Children, And I Love Capturing Them Interacting With Farm Animals (30 Pics)
A class mate of mine was on my country's Next Top Model. Before getting into the show she was asked what kind of hair she would never want to get, so that the producers know about it and not make her have it during the makeover episode. My classmate had long blonde hair which she really loved, so she said she doesn't want them to cut her hair off and that she also hated strange unnatural colors like blue, pink etc. Fast forward to the makeover episode. The hairstyling team comes in and finds her hair unfitting for a model, so she needs to get a makeover and guess what? Her makeover obviously consists of a pixie cut and green hair to make her look like a "punk fairy". My class mate cried throughout the entire process, so I guess the producers got the drama they wanted out of this.Show All 37 Upvotes
Claire Elizabeth • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Claire Elizabeth • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Claire Elizabeth • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Claire Elizabeth • submitted 19 list additions 3 years ago
Claire Elizabeth • commented on 9 posts 2 years ago
Claire Elizabeth • commented on 11 posts 3 years ago
Claire Elizabeth • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago
A class mate of mine was on my country's Next Top Model. Before getting into the show she was asked what kind of hair she would never want to get, so that the producers know about it and not make her have it during the makeover episode. My classmate had long blonde hair which she really loved, so she said she doesn't want them to cut her hair off and that she also hated strange unnatural colors like blue, pink etc. Fast forward to the makeover episode. The hairstyling team comes in and finds her hair unfitting for a model, so she needs to get a makeover and guess what? Her makeover obviously consists of a pixie cut and green hair to make her look like a "punk fairy". My class mate cried throughout the entire process, so I guess the producers got the drama they wanted out of this. Claire Elizabeth • is following 3 people
Claire Elizabeth • 66 followers