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pp horrendous
Community Member
3 posts
709 points
smokin on aloe from the garten of eden
pp horrendous • upvoted 3 items 8 months ago
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pp horrendous • commented on 7 posts 9 months ago
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pp horrendous • upvoted 30 items 9 months ago
In 1995, Nasa Tested The Effects Of Various Drugs On Spiders. These Are The Webs Woven When The Spiders Were Exposed To Different Substances
I Just Changed A Lightbulb That Was So Old It Was „made In Czechoslovakia“. It Has Been In Use Every Day Since 1990…
Inability to admit to and apologize for doing rude or s****y things. For example: "Hey, did you eat the food I made before bed? That was my breakfast. I told you I didn't have time to cook anything before work, now I'm gonna be late." "What makes you think that I ate it? Why are you assuming it was me?!?" "We're the only two people living here, and you asked me about it before I went to sleep." "Maybe you ate it and forgot!" "No, I didn't drink last night. We had no guests over. I passed out right after putting it away, and now it's gone. I'm less upset about you eating it than I am that you're not being honest." "FINE. EVERYTHINGS ALWAYS MY FAULT, YOU A*****E! I GUESS I WON'T EAT ANYTHING ANYMORE!" *storms away* I've been in this type of scenario more times than I can recall. Just admit what you did and apologize, I'll forget about it in an hour. Freaking out instead of being honest just leads me to eventually breaking off the relationship.Big-Crow4152 reply
"I'm a nice person unless you p**s me off. Then I go crazy" or something similar If you're only nice when you're calm, you're not nice.people-share-awkward-celebrity-encounters
This one comes from my friend's Dad, who is an academic who travels a lot for his job. One day, when returning from a conference in Sydney, he is waiting in the business lounge when he spots a familiar-looking man. He racks his brains trying to figure where he knows him from, and decides to go over to find out (it would be rude to ignore him). Prof: Hi, you look awfully familiar. Were you at the conference this week for International Trade Law? Man: Uh, no, I wasn't. Prof: Oh, we have definitely met before though. I'm Professor ***, from X University? Man: Um, I don't think we've met. Prof: I definitely know you. Are you in law? Man: No, I'm not. Prof: Well, I must have seen you at a conference somewhere. You're American, which university are you with? Or your colleagues, maybe you have a supervisor I might recognise the name of...? Man: ...I don't work at a university. Prof: Well, what is your name at least? Man: Matt Damon. facepalmpeople-share-awkward-celebrity-encounters
Back when Avril Lavigne was newly famous, I was walking to the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto. There was a woman in front of me with her a**-crack hanging out, wearing punk clothes. I said to my friend: 'Oh, look: It's another f**king Avril wannabe.' The woman turned around and shouted: 'I AM AVRIL!' And it was.Lord0fHats reply
The talk page for the article on Saladin has been a war between Arab, Turk, and Kurd nationalists arguing over his ethnicity since Wikipedia started.*checks*
Yup. Still going on. The simple seven word sentence that he was most likely Kurdish is backed by 5 whole citations just because the article for years was defined by flame and edit wars over the topic.
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pp horrendous • submitted 2 new posts 1 year ago
pp horrendous • submitted a new post 2 years ago
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pp horrendous • submitted 4 list additions 2 years ago
pp horrendous • commented on 7 posts 9 months ago
pp horrendous • commented on 10 posts 10 months ago
pp horrendous • commented on 3 posts 11 months ago
pp horrendous • upvoted 3 items 8 months ago
pp horrendous • upvoted 17 items 9 months ago
In 1995, Nasa Tested The Effects Of Various Drugs On Spiders. These Are The Webs Woven When The Spiders Were Exposed To Different Substances
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