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Amelia Schroeder
Community Member
1 posts
1.2K points
she/her, awkward, shy extrovert
Amelia Schroeder • upvoted 34 items 1 year ago
PlaySomeKickPunch reply
Actual feedback I got from a customer: >Was your request completed to your expectations? 10/10 >Did you feel valued? 2/10 >Comment: This should have been handled by an older member of staff. F**k me for being young and good at my job. Cost me a good chunk of my bonus.30 Times People Realized They’re Not The Brightest Crayon In The Box, As Shared In This Online Group
anon reply
(southern) Italy 1. Always eat offered food if visiting 2. Always accept to have coffe bought 3. Don t be scared of phisical contact. People will touch you, hug you, kiss you. 4. Offer to buy coffe. it s mandatory if you want to have "respect" 5. always talk to people. In line, in the bus, at the bank, at the post officeShow All 34 Upvotes
Amelia Schroeder • commented on 6 posts 1 year ago
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Amelia Schroeder • submitted a new post 2 years ago
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Amelia Schroeder • commented on 10 posts 1 year ago
Amelia Schroeder • commented on 10 posts 2 years ago
Amelia Schroeder • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
PlaySomeKickPunch reply
Actual feedback I got from a customer: >Was your request completed to your expectations? 10/10 >Did you feel valued? 2/10 >Comment: This should have been handled by an older member of staff. F**k me for being young and good at my job. Cost me a good chunk of my bonus. Amelia Schroeder • 1 follower