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Michigan Guy
Community Member
1 posts
1.4K points
i'm from michigan, USA. has that moronic 'USA USA' chant ever seemed damn scary to you? has to me, ever since i first heard/saw it. that's not patriotism, it's jingoism...and unfortunately, far too many of my fellow citizens are just not educated enough to even understand that there's a difference...
Michigan Guy • commented on 31 posts 3 years ago
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Michigan Guy • upvoted 9 items 3 years ago
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Michigan Guy • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Michigan Guy • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Michigan Guy • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
I had to defend my thesis over Zoom and many professors came into the call to watch. My thesis was about immune response in fish to parasites. One professor joined late and forgot to mute her mic and we got treated to this little gem: "Shhhh. Mommy is learning about fish parasites, which is what you'll get if you don't stop peeing in the koi pond."Forgot-Turn-Off-Mic-During-Classes-Reddit
Well, it happened in one of the classes. The teacher was going through a rough time and the class could feel it. We assured her that we had done our homework and that she could take rest for the time being. She agreed and told she would switch her mic off and sleep for a while, as we did whatever. Her husband was right beside her and the mic wasn't turned off. She told, " I am so lucky to have these students" and started sobbing to her husband. We all heard this, but kept quiet to prevent her being embarrassed. She slept well during that time and we sent her a thank you gift collectively.Worst-Things-Adulthood-Teenagers
The importance and scarcity of time. Your "you time" gets seriously reduced as you get older and your other responsibilities mount up. I used to think that spending half an hour cleaning 3 times a week was the worst thing ever. Now I spend about an hour cleaning pretty much every day. Between work, maintaining a house, and raising kids, the amount of you time gets reduced to.minutes a day. Anything else you want to do means sacrificing sleep. The other thing is how true "time=money" actually is. Simply existing and breathing costs money. Food, rent, bills, transport cost money. Often the difference between happiness and unhappiness for me was comfortably making it to my next paycheck.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Michigan Guy • 36 followers