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PickleDragon she/her
Community Member
2 posts
447 points
I am bookworm. and theater kid. fear me. I SHOULDN'T"T WATCH THIS CRAP, THAT'S NOT WHO I AM BUT WITH THIS KID DAAAAAAAMMNN!!!!❤💚💛💙
PickleDragon she/her • upvoted 39 items 1 year ago
My husband and his first wife went from Chicago to New York for a long weekend. As they waited to cross a busy street, they heard two businessmen behind them discuss how they were going to get the better of someone they were doing a deal with—in St. Louis. Their ears pricked up because his first wife was from St. Louis originally. As they walked along the next street, they were able to hear and identify enough details to realize that these two men were going to trick her uncle by not disclosing certain information. When they got to the hotel, his wife called her uncle—who verified that indeed he was in the middle of doing a deal with these two guys in New York! So no deal happened then! What are the chances?NeonSugarSorbet reply
It's not terrible, but when my cousin visited with his fiancee earlier this year, they got drunk and then vomited in my bathroom and proceeded to not clean it up. Like, vomit still in the toilet and on the floor. B***h even got it on my shower curtains. They weren't even there for 24 hours and managed that. I was f*****g pissed.lkjsdfn reply
I have an awesome cousin story. As a kid the thing to do in our little town was go to the neighboring town to roller skate. Long story short my friend meets a girl spends all night making out with her behind the rink. End of the night my buddy decides to stay behind and wait for her parents to pick her up, being a gentleman. Monday at school I ask him “how’d the restt of the night go”. Turns out his father had an estranged brother the family never talked about. The girl was his cousin. “She didn’t want to make out anymore”Show All 39 Upvotes
PickleDragon she/her • started following a person 1 year ago
PickleDragon she/her • submitted 2 new posts 1 year ago
PickleDragon she/her • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago
PickleDragon she/her • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
PickleDragon she/her • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
NeonSugarSorbet reply
It's not terrible, but when my cousin visited with his fiancee earlier this year, they got drunk and then vomited in my bathroom and proceeded to not clean it up. Like, vomit still in the toilet and on the floor. B***h even got it on my shower curtains. They weren't even there for 24 hours and managed that. I was f*****g pissed.lkjsdfn reply
I have an awesome cousin story. As a kid the thing to do in our little town was go to the neighboring town to roller skate. Long story short my friend meets a girl spends all night making out with her behind the rink. End of the night my buddy decides to stay behind and wait for her parents to pick her up, being a gentleman. Monday at school I ask him “how’d the restt of the night go”. Turns out his father had an estranged brother the family never talked about. The girl was his cousin. “She didn’t want to make out anymore” PickleDragon she/her • is following a person
PickleDragon she/her • 3 followers