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Living in Sydney working for Council for Intellectual Disabilities and trying not to be cynical about too many things.
Used to pitch softball in the US and had a friendly rivalry with another team pitcher."
"Went on vacation and missed the playoffs as I was in London. I'm checking out the royal museum and run into that pitcher on the day we were supposed to be playing against each other.."
"So we got a beer instead.
CarWash_inMyDadsAss reply
A girl I went to elementary School with wound up in the same mental hospital as me.
BeNz_REDDIT reply
Im from germany so my family and I visited austria. We were on a 3000m Mountain and suddenly my art teacher stood behind me.
lisanik reply
I was 5900 miles away from home on a ferry and ran into the parents of one of my students.
thunderfart_99 reply
I went on holiday near the Everglades in Florida many years ago. I support an English football (soccer) team called Scunthorpe United. We're not really good and we are in the fourth division of English football, we're not like Manchester United.
Me and my parents stayed in a holiday home, and so we went to buy some groceries at the local Walmart one evening. So I go round one of the aisles - and there is a kid wearing a Scunthorpe shirt! Yep, of all the shirts of a sports team, there is a kid walking around with my team's shirt on. I was just ecstatic to say the least.
HeadbangerNeckInjury reply
Went to New York for a weekend with my girl a few years ago, we were walking up the Empire State Building and walking down the other way was my ex-girlfriend from my small town that i grew up in and had not chatted to for years.
I grew up in a small town in Southern England, wtf?
Used to pitch softball in the US and had a friendly rivalry with another team pitcher."
"Went on vacation and missed the playoffs as I was in London. I'm checking out the royal museum and run into that pitcher on the day we were supposed to be playing against each other.."
"So we got a beer instead.
thunderfart_99 reply
I went on holiday near the Everglades in Florida many years ago. I support an English football (soccer) team called Scunthorpe United. We're not really good and we are in the fourth division of English football, we're not like Manchester United.
Me and my parents stayed in a holiday home, and so we went to buy some groceries at the local Walmart one evening. So I go round one of the aisles - and there is a kid wearing a Scunthorpe shirt! Yep, of all the shirts of a sports team, there is a kid walking around with my team's shirt on. I was just ecstatic to say the least.
lisanik reply
I was 5900 miles away from home on a ferry and ran into the parents of one of my students.
HeadbangerNeckInjury reply
Went to New York for a weekend with my girl a few years ago, we were walking up the Empire State Building and walking down the other way was my ex-girlfriend from my small town that i grew up in and had not chatted to for years.
I grew up in a small town in Southern England, wtf?
CarWash_inMyDadsAss reply
A girl I went to elementary School with wound up in the same mental hospital as me.
BeNz_REDDIT reply
Im from germany so my family and I visited austria. We were on a 3000m Mountain and suddenly my art teacher stood behind me.