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1 posts
128 points
Hello, Fellow Pandas! I love reading, cuphead, brawl stars, pokemon, and Foxes (For some reason) and I'm also working on a series of novels which I will probably post when I finish.
BoifromTaiwan • upvoted 22 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Kind Of Gamer Are You And What Is The Story Behind It?
I play rocket league, apex legends, minecraft, and rarely ark survival evolved. There isn’t really a story behind itHey Pandas, What Kind Of Gamer Are You And What Is The Story Behind It?
mostly casual gaming but i prefer xbox shooters and my first expirence was either on xbox360 with my brother or on N64 with him (idk which my memory is fuzzy for that time)Hey Pandas, What Kind Of Gamer Are You And What Is The Story Behind It?
I mostly play Phantom Forces on Roblox with a bunch of other friends from the local GSA. It all started with a game we did once where we drew the person to our left, and the person to my right drew me with an assault rifle (I don't know why) and from then on, me and 4 other people would play Phantom Forces for hours on end every day.Hey Pandas, What Kind Of Gamer Are You And What Is The Story Behind It?
Didnt know there were types of gamers lol. Im old i guess. Started out with an apple 2E. Played wolfenstein on that haha. Got my 1st Playstation when it came out. Its been Playstation the whole way. Ive gotten a switch to play metroid thoughHey Pandas, What Kind Of Gamer Are You And What Is The Story Behind It?
I started out as a PC gamer at nine years old since the computer was the only tech my parents ever let me use. I just played Roblox, Plants Versus Zombies, and any other game I could find. After I turned thirteen and came to the United States, I got my first ever phone, and that made me a mobile gamer for 6 months. I still am now, but I just don't play as much as I used to. And after the second trimester, when I was getting all A's, my parents finally bought me my first and only Nintendo Switch, and that's how I became a Switch gamer.Eogh21 reply
Gardening. We had a large garden. We raised and preserved what we grew. It was me and my sister's job to care for this garden. This was back when whipping your child was acceptable punishment. I was whipped sooo many times, because I hated that I had to grew and preserved vegetables I did not like. I hated it! Swore I'd never have a garden. Never do THAT to my kids. Then I had kids. A switch flipped in my head. I had to have a garden! I never made my kids take care of it. Gardening was my "me" time. But being little kids, they wanted to be with mom and "help" with the garden. I "gave" them an area and they were allowed to grow whatever they wanted. If it was a fruit or vegetables , they had to eat it. As a result, they both love gardening and neither are picky eaters.Show All 22 Upvotes
BoifromTaiwan • commented on 16 posts 1 year ago
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BoifromTaiwan • submitted a new post 1 year ago
BoifromTaiwan • submitted 2 list additions 1 year ago
BoifromTaiwan • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
BoifromTaiwan • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Hey Pandas, What Kind Of Gamer Are You And What Is The Story Behind It?
I play rocket league, apex legends, minecraft, and rarely ark survival evolved. There isn’t really a story behind itHey Pandas, What Kind Of Gamer Are You And What Is The Story Behind It?
mostly casual gaming but i prefer xbox shooters and my first expirence was either on xbox360 with my brother or on N64 with him (idk which my memory is fuzzy for that time)Hey Pandas, What Kind Of Gamer Are You And What Is The Story Behind It?
I started out as a PC gamer at nine years old since the computer was the only tech my parents ever let me use. I just played Roblox, Plants Versus Zombies, and any other game I could find. After I turned thirteen and came to the United States, I got my first ever phone, and that made me a mobile gamer for 6 months. I still am now, but I just don't play as much as I used to. And after the second trimester, when I was getting all A's, my parents finally bought me my first and only Nintendo Switch, and that's how I became a Switch gamer.Hey Pandas, What Kind Of Gamer Are You And What Is The Story Behind It?
I mostly play Phantom Forces on Roblox with a bunch of other friends from the local GSA. It all started with a game we did once where we drew the person to our left, and the person to my right drew me with an assault rifle (I don't know why) and from then on, me and 4 other people would play Phantom Forces for hours on end every day.Hey Pandas, What Kind Of Gamer Are You And What Is The Story Behind It?
Didnt know there were types of gamers lol. Im old i guess. Started out with an apple 2E. Played wolfenstein on that haha. Got my 1st Playstation when it came out. Its been Playstation the whole way. Ive gotten a switch to play metroid though BoifromTaiwan • is following 4 people
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